Post #6 Hope as a Strategy for Overcoming Obstacles in College

Post #6 Hope as a Strategy for Overcoming Obstacles in College

59 percent of students who enter college in the first year graduate over six years; and 21 percent drop out. So, how can you succeed in college?        

Mr. Donte Nelson, a contributor at The Neoliberal and my academic Mentee submitted this post and I wanted to share it with you. It is quite an interesting submission and story that may inspire you as you think about developing a college mindset for academic success. In fact, sometime ago I shared some data on The Neoliberal Round Podcast indicating that,

59 percent of students who enter college in the first year graduate over six years; and 21 percent drop out. So, how can you succeed in college?        

Moreover, we had pointed out that academic performance such as grade point average, and credits earned during specific periods, and academic retention and graduation, are what professionals usually use to predict College success (Robbins et al., 2004). College success remain a major concern as data suggest a dropout rate of up to 45% with an average bachelor’s degree turn-around-time of over 6 years (Barefoot, 2004). The National Center for Education Statistics reported that in 2015 only 59% of the students who entered 4-year colleges and universities graduated within 6 years and over 21% of those students left after their first year (Kena et al., 2015).?Therefore, this submission from Mr. Nelson is important as we explore answers to the question of how we can succeed in college given the low achievement and high drop out rates especially among certain groups.

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Donte Nelson Wrote: Week #6 Hope as a Strategy for Overcoming Obstacles in College

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I am entering a Four- Year College for the first time and back at school in years, and this may create psychological anxieties leading to stress stemming from the experience of "Culture Shock" or difference/clash of expectations and the adjustments one have to make in life, (Hansen et al, 2014, 49 - 50). That's according to Hansen et al in their 2014 study which uses qualitative research methods to interview students within an urban college who experienced various obstacles and had varying degrees of success based on their ability to overcome obstacles using or not using hope as a strategy. The study concluded that Hope, which is "a "process of thinking about one's goals, along with the motivation to move towards those goals," (Ibid, p. 51) proved to be essential in helping students overcome challenges as they come and to have success in their college track. In fact, while preparing to write my essay for week 6, I encountered some challenges, one of which was mental and psychological, where at times, it seemed difficult to focus based on internal issues that continue to distract and cause me to miss deadlines and forget important assignments and concepts. However, as I read the article this week, the hope stories proved to be helpful, in that I continued to have belief and hope that would be successful and my supports constantly reminded me of my goals and provided daily and periodic encouragement and motivation when it seems as if I were losing sight of that. Secondly, I cannot give up, as Winston Churchill says "…never give up…" which we briefly referenced earlier in the semester. Thirdly, some students had plan B's. Fourthly, some students sought out supports and finally, others were defiant in the face of adversity (Hansen et al, 55- 63). What has been my biggest help in overcoming my obstacles is number 4, seeking out and using my supports who are strong professionals, academics and invested in my academic journeys. That has proven to be indispensable in providing hope and the motivation to not only move towards my goals but also overcoming the mental frustrations. What supports do you have who is invested in your academic journey and willing to hold you accountable as you hold yourself responsible and make constant adjustments in your life?


Hansen, M. J., Trujillo, D. J., Boland, D. L., & MaCkinnon, J. L. (2014).?Overcoming obstacles and academic hope: An examination of factors promoting effective academic success strategies.?Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice, 16(1), 49–71.

Contributors, Renaldo C. McKenzie and Donte Nelson at the

Donte Nelson is a Psychology Major at Capella University and Contributor and staffer at The Neoliberal Corporation. Renaldo McKenzie is the Author of Neoliberalism, Globalization, Income Inequality, Poverty and Resistance, Creator and Host of The Neoliberal Round Podcast, presently completing a Doctorate at Georgetown University and Graduated from University of Pennsylvania.


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