Is it possible to upgrade your technology stack and keep up with BAU?
We hope last week's tip on managing change with your software development team was useful. This week we’ve been asked:
?Is it possible to upgrade our technology stack and keep up with BAU?
?In short, the answer is yes. The trick is to transform your people AND your system at the same time. Bring in other developers (on a temporary basis) to increase capacity and let your developers learn new tech from them.
?It’s the best way for your developers to learn, absorb and grow (without them feeling threatened) and you get what you need, done. ?You retain the domain expertise, keep your developers happy and future-proof your business too.?
We recently published a Digital Transformation Guide - it's a free pdf and contains lots of useful and actionable tips around how you can scale faster - click here to download your copy
We’ll be back next week with another question and software development tip.
Want some further reading or support? Here are some options:
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Synetec is an award-winning Software Development Company based in London, UK with a long track record of on-time and on-budget software delivery. Clients include Argentex, TerraQuest, Genesis Investment Management, SCQuARE, Vida Homeloans, Oak Innovation and others.
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