Possible sex trafficking encounter tonight.
As many of you know, I do a LOT of work with sex-trafficked survivors and also in preventing sex trafficking.
Tonight, I had a seriously close call with one myself. (Or at least what the police believe to have been one and in my experience, I believe it as well. )
When leaving Wal-Mart I noticed a car sitting near the buggy corral. The car was running but I couldn't see the person inside. I am also super vigilant about my surroundings so this car caught my attention. Mostly because it looked like my mother's car which would have been out of place. (I called to confirm my mother was home.) But also because it was sitting near me and the motor was running. As a mom, as a female, that catches my attention.
I made two stops and noticed the car at both stops. I thought I was imagining things. I didn't want to overreact. I kept an eye on the car and noticed they were following my every move. They followed me all the way to my apartment. I live in a fairly small area so I thought it wasn't horribly unreasonable that the person lived in the same area. It's happened before. I was still trying really hard not to overreact.
I pulled into my space in front of my apartment. I didn't turn off the car or get out. I had my daughter with me and wanted to be able to take off if I needed to. The car parked 2 car lengths behind me -- not in a parking spot. They also did not turn their car off or get out.
I called my adult son who was inside as well as my front neighbor and asked them both to come outside. I was also armed and ready to use my weapon if I needed to.
The car then took off in a hurry.
After reporting it and going back over all the details, it is believed that the car in question is one that has been reported before in possible sex-trafficking behavior.
Please stay vigilant. Here are some tips I've given others and ones I believed kept my daughter safe tonight:
Many people are unaware of how prevalent sex trafficking is right here in the US. In the US, sex trafficking is a multi-BILLION dollar business. Yes, it's a business. The East and West Coasts are highly trafficked areas. I'm on the East Coast. Hundreds of thousands of children are taken yearly and sold into modern-day sex trafficking. It is happening in your backyard. This is not "their" problem. It's OUR problem. Pay attention. Stay vigilant. Keep your children safe!!!