Possible Senators on the Take?
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Possible Senators on the Take?

This is from 1993 y’all. Has anything changed? Is it time to fire most of the Senate? Gun Control Bills just keep getting written well by people like Feinstein and shot down by senators with vested interests. Take the toys away from the boys.?? ?? ?? ?

Roll Call Vote 103rd?Congress - 1st?SessioVote Summary?Question:?On the Amendment?(Feinstein Amdt. No. 1152 )

Vote Number:??375

Vote Date:?November 17, 1993, 10:10 AM

Required For Majority:??1/2

Vote Result:??Amendment Agreed to

Amendment Number:?S.Amdt. 1152?to?S.Amdt. 1151?to?S. 1607?(Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1993)

Statement of Purpose:?To restrict the manufacture, transfer, and possession of certain semiautomatic assault weapons and large capacity ammunition feeding devices.

This is from 1993…..How is it that these arguments have been happening unsuccessfully for more than 30 years, despite overwhelming public support for strict gun control?

NAYs ---43
Bennett (R-UT)
Bingaman (D-NM)
Bond (R-MO)
Breaux (D-LA)
Bryan (D-NV)
Burns (R-MT)
Cochran (R-MS)
Cohen (R-ME)
Coverdell (R-GA)
Craig (R-ID)
D'Amato (R-NY)
Dole (R-KS)
Domenici (R-NM)
Durenberger (R-MN)
Faircloth (R-NC)
Gorton (R-WA)
Gramm (R-TX)
Grassley (R-IA)
Gregg (R-NH)
Hatch (R-UT)
Heflin (D-AL)
Helms (R-NC)
Hollings (D-SC)
Hutchison (R-TX)
Johnston (D-LA)
Kempthorne (R-ID)
Lott (R-MS)
Mack (R-FL)
McCain (R-AZ)
McConnell (R-KY)
Murkowski (R-AK)
Nickles (R-OK)
Pressler (R-SD)
Reid (D-NV)
Sasser (D-TN)
Shelby (D-AL)
Simpson (R-WY)
Smith (R-NH)
Specter (R-PA)
Stevens (R-AK)
Thurmond (R-SC)
Wallop (R-WY)
Warner (R-VA)

Not Voting - 1

Dorgan (D-ND)

Vote Summary

By Senator Name

By Vote Position

By Home State

Grouped by Home State?

Alabama:?Heflin (D-AL),?Nay?Shelby (D-AL),?NayAlaska:?Murkowski (R-AK),?Nay?Stevens (R-AK),?NayArizona:?DeConcini (D-AZ),?Yea?McCain (R-AZ),?NayArkansas:?Bumpers (D-AR),?Yea?Pryor (D-AR),?YeaCalifornia:?Boxer (D-CA),?Yea?Feinstein (D-CA),?YeaColorado:?Brown (R-CO),?Yea?Campbell (D-CO),?YeaConnecticut:?Dodd (D-CT),?Yea?Lieberman (D-CT),?YeaDelaware:?Biden (D-DE),?Yea?Roth (R-DE),?YeaFlorida:?Graham (D-FL),?Yea?Mack (R-FL),?NayGeorgia:?Coverdell (R-GA),?Nay?Nunn (D-GA),?YeaHawaii:?Akaka (D-HI),?Yea?Inouye (D-HI),?YeaIdaho:?Craig (R-ID),?Nay?Kempthorne (R-ID),?NayIllinois:?Moseley-Braun (D-IL),?Yea?Simon (D-IL),?YeaIndiana:?Coats (R-IN),?Yea?Lugar (R-IN),?YeaIowa:?Grassley (R-IA),?Nay?Harkin (D-IA),?YeaKansas:?Dole (R-KS),?Nay?Kassebaum (R-KS),?YeaKentucky:?Ford (D-KY),?Yea?McConnell (R-KY),?NayLouisiana:?Breaux (D-LA),?Nay?Johnston (D-LA),?NayMaine:?Cohen (R-ME),?Nay?Mitchell (D-ME),?YeaMaryland:?Mikulski (D-MD),?Yea?Sarbanes (D-MD),?YeaMassachusetts:?Kennedy (D-MA),?Yea?Kerry (D-MA),?YeaMichigan:?Levin (D-MI),?Yea?Riegle (D-MI),?YeaMinnesota:?Durenberger (R-MN),?Nay?Wellstone (D-MN),?YeaMississippi:?Cochran (R-MS),?Nay?Lott (R-MS),?NayMissouri:?Bond (R-MO),?Nay?Danforth (R-MO),?YeaMontana:?Baucus (D-MT),?Yea?Burns (R-MT),?NayNebraska:?Exon (D-NE),?Yea?Kerrey (D-NE),?YeaNevada:?Bryan (D-NV),?Nay?Reid (D-NV),?NayNew Hampshire:?Gregg (R-NH),?Nay?Smith (R-NH),?NayNew Jersey:?Bradley (D-NJ),?Yea?Lautenberg (D-NJ),?YeaNew Mexico:?Bingaman (D-NM),?Nay?Domenici (R-NM),?NayNew York:?D'Amato (R-NY),?Nay?Moynihan (D-NY),?YeaNorth Carolina:?Faircloth (R-NC),?Nay?Helms (R-NC),?NayNorth Dakota:?Conrad (D-ND),?Yea?Dorgan (D-ND),?Not VotingOhio:?Glenn (D-OH),?Yea?Metzenbaum (D-OH),?YeaOklahoma:?Boren (D-OK),?Yea?Nickles (R-OK),?NayOregon:?Hatfield (R-OR),?Yea?Packwood (R-OR),?YeaPennsylvania:?Specter (R-PA),?Nay?Wofford (D-PA),?YeaRhode Island:?Chafee (R-RI),?Yea?Pell (D-RI),?YeaSouth Carolina:?Hollings (D-SC),?Nay?Thurmond (R-SC),?NaySouth Dakota:?Daschle (D-SD),?Yea?Pressler (R-SD),?NayTennessee:?Mathews (D-TN),?Yea?Sasser (D-TN),?NayTexas:?Gramm (R-TX),?Nay?Hutchison (R-TX),?NayUtah:?Bennett (R-UT),?Nay?Hatch (R-UT),?NayVermont:?Jeffords (R-VT),?Yea?Leahy (D-VT),?YeaVirginia:?Robb (D-VA),?Yea?Warner (R-VA),?NayWashington:?Gorton (R-WA),?Nay?Murray (D-WA),?YeaWest Virginia:?Byrd (D-WV),?Yea?Rockefeller (D-WV),?YeaWisconsin:?Feingold (D-WI),?Yea?Kohl (D-WI),?YeaWyoming:?Simpson (R-WY),?Nay?Wallop (R-WY),?Nay

Vote Summary

By Senator Name

By Vote Position

By Home State

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Use this guide to help you find the full text of recent bills and resolutions on the Web, or order them from the Senate or House?Document Rooms, or you can find them in a library.??

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You can access legislative information, by bill number or key words, from the?Congress.gov?website.?Information from the present back to the 93rd Congress (1973) is available on Congress.gov.

Virtual Reference Desks?

The?Votes?page of the?Virtual Reference Desk?provides voting procedure information, research guides, and essays about historic votes.

Vote Statistics?

The?Votes?category on the?Statistics pagefeatures facts and figures about votes made by Senators.








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