Is it Possible to Schedule Showings Only When We’re at Work? #AZVHV

Is it Possible to Schedule Showings Only When We’re at Work? #AZVHV

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Real Estate Q & A: Is it Possible to Schedule Showings Only When We’re at Work?

Posted by Bill Salvatore- Realtor

January 20, 2018 Advice, Buying a Home, Family, Real Estate, Selling a home Leave a Comment

Question: Is it possible to schedule showings only when we’re at work so our evenings, weekends and family time are not disturbed?

I hear this question in one form or another all the time; only when we’re at work, only when we’re at home, only when the kids are at school, only when the dog is in daycare, only on Saturdays… you get the point.

The Answer is: Yes it is possible, maybe, or not. Is it advisable? Never. It usually all comes down to how quickly you want to sell your home. Ease of showing is one of a listing’s most critical selling points. The harder you make it, the longer it will take. Potential Home Buyers will happily move on to the next property if it’s difficult to schedule a viewing for yours. By the time they’ve looked at three or four… your home has been forgotten. Even when inventory is low as it is right now, there are too many competing listings for Home Buyers to put up with any inconvenience. Your home may be the better home, but if no one sees it that won’t matter.

Plan in advance for some small annoyances, from clearing the kitchen counters to tucking a few things away in storage. Get out of the house for a little bit, take your pet for a walk. Make your home easy to show and it’ll all be over in no time!

For more information, Call or Text: 602-999-0952

eMail: [email protected]

Bill Salvatore / Arizona Elite Properties

Residential Sales, Marketing, and Property Management

More Resources for Home Sellers and Home Buyers

Our Buyer’s FAQ page has 9 of the most frequently asked questions from Home Buyers, along with 10 additional resources for Home Buyers at the bottom of the page.

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Thinking of Selling your home? First check out our 9 FAQs for Sellers. Then read on, there are 9 additional resources for Home Sellers at the bottom of the page.

Ever wonder what Closing Costs you’ll be responsible for when you buy or sell a home? Check out our infographic and article:

Who Pays for What?

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What is standard and legal procedure in a Real Estate transaction?

Home Purchase Offers and Agreements 101




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Bill Salvatore- Realtor

Bill Salvatore, Arizona Elite Properties

Realtor / Business Owner / Veteran

Full Time, Full Service, Complete Satisfaction

* Member: Heroes Home Advantage

* Founder: AZVHV, Arizona Veterans Helping Veterans

* President: VAREP Phoenix Chapter

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