Is It Possible To Reverse Someone's Bad Attitude?

Is It Possible To Reverse Someone's Bad Attitude?

It's one of the most common issues that arise on almost every course we run or any consultancy we carry out.

"How can we change our staff's attitude?"

"They have got great potential, but how can I improve their poor attitude?"

It's rife in all walks of life that someone possesses great potential and ability but lacks the right attitude.

A positive attitude is an essential trait regardless of where you are currently perched on the hierarchy - whether the managing director or the receptionist who answers the telephone.

What exactly is attitude? 

Attitude is your own personal filter for everything that happens to you, around you, or within you. What takes place in your world is not as important as how you view it.

You cannot choose what will happen to you. You cannot guarantee success and happiness for yourself. These things are out of your control. 

However, you can choose how you feel about these things, about how you respond to these situations - and it is these points that you have to get across to the staff member with the attitude that stinks!

So how can you generate and maintain as positive attitude as possible in the workplace? Here are 7 things for you to think about...

Get Them To Put Things In Perspective

When people find themselves getting negative and in a bad mood, get them to take a step back and put things into perspective. Ask them the following questions:

Is the stress and frustration really worth it?

When you look at the bigger picture, don't these stresses and strains seem a bit insignificant?

When you get others to look at life as a whole, the daily 'first world problems' that we face are not really that important at all.

Give Them Something To Look Forward To

People love to look forward to things.

Some say the anticipation of an event is better than it actually happening. Take the example of when you were a child and you were counting down the days to Christmas. This only lasts for one day, but the anticipation and build-up lasts for weeks.

Give staff members something to look forward to - there are so many team-building opportunities like staff away-days, or even something out of hours like go-karting or paint-balling, a night out or a staff meal.

Advise Them To Help Others

They say that one way of forgetting about your own problems is helping somebody else with theirs. 

Shifting the focus from a staff member's own issues and guiding their attention to others will improve their attitude dramatically.

Going to help other people on separate projects to get them away from the stresses of their own will not only improve their attitude but it also allows opportunities for job rotation too.

Take A Break

Allow people to take a break from what is getting them down. 

You may not be able to change the situations that are causing them challenges, but you can allow them to take breaks (a few minutes, a couple of hours or a few days) that will enable them to recapture their focus upon their return.

Pair Or Group Them With Positive & Highly Motivated Colleagues

Positivity is infectious.

Moving colleagues around so that they are close to and can work with highly motivated and positive employees will be contagious to the employee with the poor attitude.

Showing the employee techniques and methods that contribute to a good attitude at work such as good organisation will develop into a habit and will reap the rewards for not only themselves but for your organisation, too.

Remind Them That Life Is Short

It's true.

Get them to visualise the future when they're older and whether they want to look back wishing that they could have been happier. 

Get them to assess their attitude on life and urge them that now is the time to make the necessary improvements.

"When tomorrow comes, the day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind...let it be something good." Penny Freeston

People Have Done More With Less

A common cause for a poor attitude is the feeling that you are in a situation that is just too hard to deal with. 

Show them that others have done more with less.

People worldwide have overcome obstacles, solved problems and maintained a positive attitude throughout the most trying of times. 

Instruct them not to wait for the world to devote itself to making them happy - tell them to go out there and make it happen themselves!

The power of a positive attitude is always within reach - it is up to others to extend their hands and grab it!

However you choose your own attitude - does this person have enough of an open mind to change their ways?

Have a think about some of the points above and see if you can use this to develop a great attitude not only within your team, but also for yourself.

Can you change anyone's attitude? Will some people permanently have that chip rested on their shoulder? I'd love to hear your thoughts and stories in the comments section.

Thanks again 


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Ruben Carrion

Senior Lecturer Wartburg College (Retired)

9 年

Indeed, there is a certain level of presumptuousness in the title. However, the practical strategies presented to confront the issues at hand provide the opportunity for change - that is, change in behavior - consequently, greater chance for change in attitude

Glenn Jacob

Strategic Human Resources Leader | People and Organisational Development | Change Management | Lean Operations Improvement

9 年

A title like this makes me cautious - but it was well worth the read. Simple and practical tips. What it is about is giving people the space, opportunity and reason to lift their attitude to a better place. You will never change anyone' attitude: you can help them find the reason and energy to change it themselves. It is well worth the effort.

Sanjeev Bahadur

India's largest group of stars, professionals,leaders !(50000+)

9 年

Great observations Harry and Richard.The style " Bottleneck" is usually at the Top.......and then goes to VP's/GM's......trouble multiplies....!

Sanjeev Bahadur

India's largest group of stars, professionals,leaders !(50000+)

9 年

Great observations Harry,Richard.The style " Bottleneck" is usually at the Top.......and then goes to VP's/GM's......trouble multiplies....!



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