Is it possible to rebrand ourselves from scratch?

Is it possible to rebrand ourselves from scratch?

Early July, many things happened since the last time. How have you been?

Let's take a moment to discuss rebranding. Personal rebranding.

The past, the present, the future.

Throughout our lives, we evolve, meet new people, and adapt to changing environments. This pattern has been consistent for thousands of years.

I want you to understand this. Crucial.

During your childhood, you learned how to behave, what to like and dislike, and what is good or bad. Step by step, you became the person you are today.

Now, you likely have friends and colleagues who know you in a specific context. You feel comfortable with them and yourself. But deep down, you feel a need to do something different, to show a different side of yourself. Maybe it’s motivated by a new job, a new passion, or a burst of creativity. But, it's not you. You are not like that and your inner circle is not like that too. People used to see you in a way so you don't want them to change their mind about you.

You’ve been wearing a mask to adapt to your environment. Now, you want to align more closely with your true values and personality, but you don’t feel legitimate in showing the real you. You worry about what your inner circle will think, fearing they might not accept the new you. The impostor syndrome? Like a glimpse of shame is going through your mind? Yes.

This leads to a sense of dissatisfaction because your true message stays locked inside you.

After months or years, you might want to start something new, to rebrand yourself, to live and share your authentic self.

Who would you like to please?

You VS you, You VS people.

There are only two things that will prevent you from becoming way greater.

The relationship you have with people's judgment.

As I said previously, we tend to be the ones we want our circle, or people, to like. It's normal because we need to be a part of a group, to survive. It has been the case since the night of time and it will never change. Deviating from the group can lead to exclusion. With social media, this fear has intensified. We hesitate before posting, sharing our opinions, or showing our true interests because we fear judgment. "I don't want them to think that I'm like this h24".

You extend it to your job daily or to a professional network like LinkedIn where you can't be under a surname, you can't hide, and you end up being a passive person who will not dare to do anything because of this judgment.

The relationship you have with yourself.

This one is hard. It's the hardest enemy we can meet in our daily lives. And worst, this enemy is with us, at every second. You know, this little voice in your head? You are reading with it right now. This same voice that will tell you that you are not like this, it's useless to think this way because it will not work, because hey, what about you change your mind after? What about you regret what you will do? What if after, someone asks a question you don't know how to answer?

Don't take the call, you don't know how to pitch or sell yourself so prevent the shame. Don't post this newsletter, or this article, because no one will read it anyway and you are not an expert in this area. I can do more, I could share tons of sentences like this.

Congratulations, your brain is trying to keep you in safety. because your brain doesn't like what it doesn't know. It’s important to recognize that this voice is not truly yours; it was put there by someone else.

How to rebrand ourselves now?

No one knows what you think.

So no worries about how a situation will happen, about what you want to sell, about what you want to say in front of the public, about your none expertise. No one knows you are not an “expert” or what’s in your mind. They don’t care as much as you think they do.

Take the call. Maybe you’ll feel awkward, but the other person might love what you say. You might think your message is unimportant, but it could be exactly what someone else needs to hear. You are underestimating yourself every day.

Believe in what you do.

If you believe, firmly, in what you say or what you do, people will end up believing in you as well. It has to be profound.

Be accountable. Your life depends on you.

Maximum accountability. Everything you do will come back to you, in a good or bad way but you have to take this accountability and go forward. Assume your position, assume to be right, assume to make mistakes, and get back on track. Life is about decisions. Yours.

Practice is key.

An idea without execution is nothing. Take action. Don’t procrastinate. Don’t be afraid. Do the tasks you need to do.

The best way is to practice and start to not pay attention to what people think about you. Remember, they don't know you and will not be at your funerals.

Test and learn.

At any moment, you can choose to start over. You will always reach new people who don't know your past.

Change your inner circle.

If you still feel ashamed of showing your true self to your current circle, change your circle. Be with people who will elevate you, who will push you to something, to someone you want to become.



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