YES, it possible to predict if someone will have a child using vedic astrology. To predict one need to plot a horoscope and for plotting a horoscope one need birth details like date of birth, place and time.
Only moon sign of the parents are not useful for predicting child birth.
Knowledge of vedic astrology is much needed to read a vedic horoscope.
According to vedic horoscope there are 12 bhavas / houses and each house signifies many significances / events of our life.
The 5th house of the vedic horoscope signify child birth apart from many other events of our life.
There are many parameters in vedic astrology to determine the child birth from a horoscope.
The child birth is studied from the female horoscope as it contributes 80% and the male horoscope 20%. But both the horoscopes should be studied as this is an event contributed by both the person.
According to KP vedic astrology padhatti / system the 5th cuspal sublord should signify 2,5 and 11th house for a child birth from a horoscope.
The 5th cuspal sublord should be studied very well to see that it is not placed in a barren sign in the horoscope. The barren sign are powerful to create hurdles and also to deny a child birth.
If the 5th cuspal sublord is retrograde or debilitated then there will be delay or hurdles in child birth ( other conditions are also need to be seen ).
The mahadasha shows the time of delivery of an event in life and so in child birth also the mahadasha should also signify the 2, 5 and 11th house supported by the antardasha and pratiantardasha planet for the activation of the event.
The transit plays an active role in triggering the event when mahadasha is ready to give the event.
Both the horoscopes of male and female should signify child birth in their horoscope as this event is the resultant event from the 2 horoscopes.