Is It Possible covid test avoiding nose ache ?
---The answer is saliva test kit .
Upon the current info , the answer apparently a yes , as long as they use saliva specimen to test instead of nasal swab to test .
There is news going research in America and Canada found that that tests that look for the virus in samples of saliva are about as reliable as tests that require a sample from the back of the nose.
When using samples of saliva , there are 5 advantages at least as below :
1. The patients avoid the discomfort when specimen collection from nose .
2. The specimen collection for the patients come much easier .
3. Medical personnel will be much safe because saliva specimen collecting spares them potential exposure to the virus. Cause saliva tests eliminate the need for health care workers to come into contact with people who might be infected, reducing transmission risk.
4. Pediatric populations may be better tolerated , because collection does not require trained staff or personal protective equipment, can be done outside testing centers .
5. Detection efficiency will be greatly improved
How would it be the operation ?
Clean the mouth with drinking water
30 minutes before saliva sample
collection. Do not eat, drink, smoke or
chew gum.
saliva test detect coronavirus infection
1.Before collecting saliva, relax your
cheeks and gently massage cheeks
with fingers for 15~30 seconds to
produce saliva. Gently spit saliva into
the funnel until the liquid saliva
(non-bubble) reaches the height of 2.0
ml scale line. Saliva samples collected
shall be free of impurities and sputum.
Don't spit all over the vial.
2.Hold the storage vial in hand and
keep it upright, screw the bottom of the
storage vial into the saliva collection
cup and tighten it. The bottom of the
storage vial will be punctured
automatically, and the storage liquid in
the vial will flow into the saliva
collection vial.
saliva test detect coronavirus infection
3.Keep the collecting vial upright,
unscrew the funnel, take out the clean
saliva collecting vial cap from the
packing box, screw and tighten it on the
saliva collecting vial.
The vial caps have a choking hazard.
Keep out of reach of children.
4.Turn the collecting vial upside down
for 10 times to fully mix saliva and
Invert the preservation solution.
5.Take out a bar code from the packing
box and stick it on the saliva collecting
vial, then put the collecting vial with bar
code and two bar codes into the
sample bag for storage, transportation
or testing, and the remaining bar code
is kept by the user for subsequent
information feedback.
If you wanna know more about saliva test kit
, please let us know .