Possible Causes Of Erection Dysfunction And Quick Ejaculation

Possible Causes Of Erection Dysfunction And Quick Ejaculation

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When dealing with any problems in life, the wisest thing to do, is to first figure out the root cause of the particular problem, before finding possible solutions. Which is the main reason behind sharing this content with my fellow men out there.

Having perfect erection is a combination of different components in the body that work together as a team.

The leader of this team is balance hormone. If a man's mental condition is in chaos hormone becomes imbalance and hypothalamus refuses to send proper message to the testicles for release of sufficient testosterone.

Mr man, is either weak erection or no erection that will definitely ensue.

It is striking of hypothalamus that causes agitated cardiac cycle, while sufficient blood supply to the manhood caused by "agitated cardiac cycle" will lead to perfect erection.

Stable mental condition, balance hormone, release of sufficient testosterone and accurate blood supply are the primary stages with which perfect erection ensues.

Secondly, higher glucose level would only dampen proper functioning of testosterone. Your intake of excessive industrial sugar and consumption of diary foods will certainly weaken your performance. If it has not happened to you now, it is certainly waiting for you somewhere around the corner.

Thirdly, infection like: staphylococcus, gonorrhea, syphilis can take away your erection.

Fortunately, there are more than enough available herbs that can solve the problem easily. In short our natural herb is the best solution, just make sure you get original one from a reliable source.

Another thing is exercise, there are different workouts that have capability to treat this frustrating and embarrassing situation. Diaphragm breathing is one them. This exercise rejuvenates, stimulates and initiates agitation of cardiac cycle. It reprograms function of the brain.

In addition, intake of fresh Cucumber after the exercise would go a long way.

Thanks for reading, your comment will be welcomed. Still remain your humble writer and your health manager.



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