Possibility for determination of deteriorating factors within brain that can affect the mechanical integrity of an implanted chip

Possibility for determination of deteriorating factors within brain that can affect the mechanical integrity of an implanted chip


Implanted chips are made of engineering materials and engineering materials (metallic or non-metallic) are both susceptible to corrosion (for metals) and deterioration (for non-metals). Corrosion and deterioration can affect the expected performance of the chip adversely and as brain-implanted chips are quite new an enterprise, we have to make sure about possible outcomes.

Corrosion of implants in human body is a known issue and particularly in the US, the term bio-corrosion is to address the corrosion of implants by living organisms dwelling within human body.

Corrosion and deterioration take place mainly via electrochemical/chemical environments formed by the interaction of chemicals that are present in the environment such as acidic and basic species.?

?? The most widely studied neurochemical species in the brain includes the catecholamines dopamine and norepinephrine and their metabolites. Expansion to several electroactive neurochemicals including serotonin (C10H12N2O), adenosine (C10H13N5O4), histamine (C5H9N3), H2O2, NO, O2, ascorbic acid (C6H8O6), neuropeptides (chemicals made up of small chains of amino acids), and, more recently, guanosine (C10H13N5O5) has made huge impacts on our understanding of the dynamics, mechanism, and function of basic brain signalling [i].

corrosive effects of neurochemicals dopamine (C8H11NO2) and Investigating serotonin—are at work at sub-second speeds to shape how people perceive the world and take action based on their perception[ii].

Proposal in brief:

1. Study of each chemicals mentioned above on the material of the implant chip via known electrochemical tests and procedures such as but not limited to corrosion rate determination via weightloss measurements, application of potentiodynamic tests in simulated corrosive environments in laboratories,

2.Investigating the most feasible way (s) to monitor corrosion of the chip

3.Investigation of consequences of corrosion/deterioration of the implant chip on overall health of the individual.

Estimated time:

Due to the innovative nature of the proposed approach is second to none. This will cause a lot of areas that can be branded as “twilight zone”. One of these areas is the estimated time to conduct tests.

?However, it can be agreed that at least ....months for an intensive desktop study and designing of the required experiments. The minimum time required to get meaningful data from electrochemical corrosion tests is .... months. Thus at least .... months need to be spent on this project.

?Required expertise:

Corrosion scientist (2 )

Electrochemistry scient (2)

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*As the idea of this short note is indeed far too innovative, to prevent copyright theft and plagiarism, critical points have been deleted.


[i] A.E. Ross, ?A.G. Zestos “Electrochemistry for neurochemical analysis”, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (2021) 413, pp:6687–6688.

[ii] https://medicalxpress.com/news/2020-10-scientists-neurochemicals-unexpectedly-profound-roles.html


