Possibilities within or How to increase your business efficiency

Possibilities within or How to increase your business efficiency

How to increase company’s productivity and efficiency?

How to improve business performance?

How to motivate employees?

Why our long-term and short-term plans remain as plans and we struggle to realise them?

These are the questions that entrepreneurs, business owners, shareholders and CEO’s ask the during business consulting or coaching sessions.

There are many important aspects that influence your company’s performance.

What I have noticed during years of working with various businesses, is that some clients look for One thing that in their opinion would drastically improve business performance.

For example, some think they just need to train their Sales people to improve their sales skills, or motivate employees, so they start working better.

Of course, many business owners and CEO’s understand that successful business requires an efficient system in place. What this system should include?

Let’s have a closer look.

First of all and this is the most important aspect, a clear Vision, Mission and a long-term Strategy not only in the heads of business owners or CEOs, but formulated, documented and communicated to employees. 

And this is where we find out that sometimes the part of communicating to people is missing. Believe me, it’s surprising how often it happens! 

What this will lead to? If your people don’t know what is your Vision, your company’s ore business Purpose, what is the Mission that you realise through your activities, products or services, then they just do whatever the Job Description requires without putting a passion into it. Your team will be not really a team but a group of people working together. And they will not truly love what they do. They will just do a work. 

Without clear Vision and Mission that resonates with your employees’s values - it’s impossible to expect a great performance. 

But what if you have a Vision and Mission formulated and communicated, but still your employees are not much motivated? A questions I would ask you then: Are they - Values, Vision and Mission of your company and the values of your people in harmony? Do they coincide or at least are they close to each other? If not, then you’ve got a problem.

But it is possible to fix it. How?

A good Strategic session that will bring together you and your people on the level of values. I can tell you, based on my experience, that this is Very Powerful! If you start with a Strategic session, you already can achieve more than if you just spend money on training people and trying to motivate with money. You align your team based on values and this is crucial for your long term success. 

Once this stage is done, then you can work on your long term strategy, long and short term tactical plans, resources planning etc. 

One of my first experiences conducting Strategic sessions was many years ago when I assisted one of my great Teachers - Brian Tracy. It was for a big corporate client in Russia. The company celebrated 20 years anniversary and that session was about the future, the Strategy for the next 20 years. 

I feel blessed that I had this great learning experience and forever appreciate what I’ve learned from Brian! 

I have conducted many Strategic session since then. I keep learning and developing with each and every client. Because each client is unique. Even the companies from the same industry and similar size and business environment, they will have different people - human resources. And this is what makes difference, besides your product, technology etc. 

If you’d like to explore more this topic, please leave a comment. 

And if you would like to have a Strategic session that will help you to build a strong team and bring your company to significantly higher performance, I’ll be happy to work with you. 

Wishing you success and prosperity! 

Aigul Schrage - Shamshilda

Your personal Coach & Business Consultant

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