Series of articles "New Physics"? - Article N5 - "About power generation opportunities"?

Series of articles "New Physics" - Article N5 - "About power generation opportunities"

On the possibilities of generating additional free energy.

In this article, we will show that the energy laws of Nature depend on the symmetries of the action of the field. We will talk about what field symmetries are, and what is meant by the term "field." This will be new and unusual information. You will not find other articles in physics and technology that use the concept of "field symmetry," and prove a direct connection between field symmetry and the energetic and dynamic laws of Nature.

We want to show that people have a misconception about energy and energy laws. It holds back people's creative forces. Humanity has a limited understanding of energy generation. The possibilities of such generation, laid down in Nature, are much wider. Energy in any amount can be generated by asymmetrically acting fields. The law of conservation of energy refers only to symmetrically acting fields and interactions. And this law is an additional law to the law of changing (not preserving) the energy of isolated systems in asymmetrically acting fields and interactions. An asymmetric field system can generate energy in any amount without using external energy sources or fuel. Energy is stored as a measure of motion in symmetrically acting fields and symmetric interactions. This symmetry allows the transfer of energy. Field action asymmetry allows energy to be generated by field potential asymmetry.

Now let's move on to the presentation of the main provisions of this article. Including, we will determine what a field is and what symmetry/asymmetry of the action of a field is.


What is a field?

The field is what is learned in physics courses. For example, in electrodynamics. The field is an indeterminate concept. The same as time, space or matter. It just exists, and we can use it if we understand its properties. Similarly, we use time, space, matter. Not understanding what it is.


Field symmetry.

There is such a thing as symmetry of the action of a field. Field action symmetry is the symmetry and/or asymmetry of acceleration and braking of bodies and charges in a field. If the accelerations are directed in one direction (or there is a preferential acceleration in one direction), then we have an asymmetrically acting field. Such fields are called nonpotential fields. If acceleration and braking are symmetrical, then such fields are called potential fields. The symmetry and asymmetry of acceleration and braking can have both fields and trajectories of bodies in the field. Field action symmetry generally refers to both symmetry and field action asymmetry. As well as symmetry and asymmetry of field interactions.


Asymmetric and symmetric fields.

The primary form of field action is asymmetric fields. Symmetrically acting fields consist of two asymmetric fields, with the opposite action. Therefore, non-potential fields are the primary form with respect to potential fields.

Acceleration, velocity, kinetic energy, and momentum (as well as many other physical quantities) are measures of motion. Also, fields have the ability to change the movement of bodies – this is called potential. Therefore, characteristics of field action such as field strength (acceleration), field potential (linear integral of accelerations over space) and potential energy (of bodies and charges in a field) are measures of the field's ability to change motion. These abilities depend on the symmetries of the action of the field. Below we will show you how.

Asymmetric fields have an infinite monotonous ability to change motion on cutting fields and cyclic trajectories. Therefore, they can change the energy and momentum of isolated systems. They can generate and destroy energy and momentum. These are systems with an energy generation efficiency greater than one. These fields are eternal engines of the First Kind. If we consider the potential of these fields (and the potential energy of bodies and charges in these fields), then it is a finite value on secant trajectories, and an infinite value on cyclic closed and open trajectories. That is, these fields have an unlimited ability to generate motion and its measures (energy and momentum).

Symmetric (potential) fields consist of two asymmetric fields, with the opposite action. Energy change is created only by non-potential fields. Therefore, in potential fields, only segments of non-potential fields are able to change energy and momentum. Therefore, the ability to change energy and momentum by potential fields is limited. The reason for this is in the form of symmetry of the action of nonpotential (asymmetric) fields in the structure of a potential (symmetric) field.

So the laws of energy generation and momentum depend on the symmetries of the action of the field. In symmetrical fields and symmetrical field interactions, energy and momentum are conserved. In asymmetrically acting fields and asymmetric interactions, they (energy and momentum) change (do not persist). The laws of conservation and change of energy and momentum are mutually complementary laws.


What is fuel?

In physics and engineering, the field potential and potential energy is considered a form of fuel. Fuel is what creates movement, energy, momentum and strength. Since the cyclic potential (and potential energy) of asymmetric fields (as the ability to create motion) is infinite and unlimited, such fields can be considered to have infinite fuel reserves. This fuel can be converted into kinetic energy (or the potential of bodies and charges) in other fields. That is, asymmetric fields can be infinite sources of energy and momentum for all other systems. They do not require external sources of fuel, potential or energy for their work.

Humanity does not yet use this endless source of energy. Humanity is fixated on using (as an energy source) only the potential of symmetrical (potential) fields. This potential is finite and limited, as are the fuel reserves in it. Therefore, all fuel systems currently used by humanity are finite – they require constant replenishment due to the potential of symmetrical fields (fuel) of external systems. Potential reserves in symmetric fields are finite, they are equal to only one cycle of operation of a non-potential field, which is part of potential (symmetric) fields.


Law of energy generation.

Energy, as a measure of motion, is generated by a nonpotential (asymmetric) field. Symmetric fields cannot generate energy and momentum, they only store them, due to the symmetry of their acceleration and braking accelerations. Potential and kinetic energy change symmetrically (as measures of potential and manifested motion), but only in potential fields; or in areas of non-potential field that do not have cycles. The cyclic potential energy (and the kinetic energy generated from it) is symmetrical, but the potential energy of the asymmetric field does not decrease. Therefore, in asymmetrically acting fields, the law of preserving the sum of two motion measures: potential and kinetic energy does not apply. Therefore, such fields can generate any amount of energy and motion.

In the law of energy conservation, symmetric generation and destruction of energy and momentum occurs. The momentum and energy of systems under symmetrical action of fields is preserved. This is due to the law of conservation of energy – it is based on the symmetry of field interactions. Energy transfer is also based on interaction symmetry. The asymmetry of the action of fields and interactions leads to another law – the law of generating additional energy.


Additional energy generation law.

The amount of additional energy generated by an asymmetrically acting (non-potential) field is equal to the energy generated by this field, minus the energy spent on generating the field itself. This is the law of generating additional energy, in asymmetrically acting fields and their systems. This law, for example, is valid in electrical circuits, electrical machines and transformers – when there is an asymmetry of electromagnetic interaction between the primary and secondary circuits of the devices. Such electrical machines can generate additional electrical and mechanical energy and are systems with an energy generation efficiency of more than one. These are superunit systems. They can be autonomous sources of energy (for household needs, for industry and for transport), which do not require external fuel or energy costs. Since they themselves are non-finite sources of energy based on the asymmetry of the action of the field and potential, as a source of motion energy. Conventional electrical machines, transformers and electrical circuits that are based on the symmetry of electromagnetic interaction, they cannot generate additional energy.


The physical meaning of Newton's laws.

The use of the concept of "field" allows you to introduce physical meaning into Newton's laws. From the symmetry of the field interaction arises the law of symmetry of forces (Newton's Third Law). From the law of symmetry of forces and the equality of the period of time of their action, the law of conservation of momentum in symmetrical interactions arises. Also, from the law of symmetry of forces and the equality of relative movements of objects (under the action of fields in their coordinate systems), the symmetry of work and the law of energy conservation in symmetric interactions arise.


What people do not yet know.

If the field interactions are not symmetrical, then the law of asymmetry of the action of forces in the interaction arises. It produces momentum asymmetry (the law of momentum change and not conservation in asymmetric interactions) and energy change asymmetry (the law of energy change and not conservation in asymmetric interactions).


What is the energy and momentum?

Energy and momentum are measures of motion invented by humans (together with other measures of motion: speed, acceleration, time, path length, force, etc.) in order to describe various properties of motion. Both movement and its measures can be freely changed by fields. Therefore, asymmetry of field interaction leads to a change in movement and its measures. This makes it possible to obtain or eliminate any number of motion and its measures (energy and momentum) in asymmetric field interactions or in asymmetrically acting fields. That is, in fields that have potential asymmetry. Therefore, systems with an efficiency of more than "1" are reality.


Orthodox and alternative technique.

Orthodox technique is built on symmetry of interaction. Therefore, it has the law of symmetry of forces and the laws of conservation of momentum and energy (as measures of movement and their integrals in the field). The alternative technique is built on interaction asymmetry. Therefore, it has a law of asymmetry of forces and laws of change (not conservation) of the momentum and energy of an isolated system (as measures of movement and their integrals in the field). An alternative technique allows any amount of energy to be obtained or disposed of. The law of conservation of energy and momentum is a special case of the law of energy change arising from the symmetry of field interactions.


Additional nature of conservation and change laws.

The law of conservation of energy and momentum and the law of change of energy and momentum, the law of symmetry of forces and the law of asymmetry of forces – these are mutually complementary laws of Nature. This is how they should be in physics. But, this is not yet known to people.


Perpetual engines.

Fields are eternal engines of the First and Second kind, since fields are able to generate and destroy energy and momentum under asymmetric action. Also, fields are able to concentrate energy within the framework of the law of energy conservation. This violates the law of entropy, which, like the law of conservation of energy, is a private law of field interaction. Symmetry of the action of fields or symmetry of interactions leads to the preservation of measures of energy and momentum and their integrals. But asymmetric fields (fields with asymmetric potential) can generate energy and momentum in an infinite monotonic way. Which makes them eternal engines of the First Kind. Similarly, fields as Second Kind Eternal Engines can concentrate energy.


Additional energy generation law.

The additional energy created by an asymmetrically acting field is equal to the energy it creates, minus the energy needed to generate the field. In orthodox engineering, the energy required to generate a field exceeds the energy generated by the field. For an alternative technique, the energy cost of generating the field is less than the energy generated by the field – additional energy appears – that is, additional movement. Since energy is a measure of the movement and potential of a field (the ability of a field to create movement). In Nature, there are no prohibitions on the generation and destruction of energy and momentum, field potential and motion measures.


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