The Possibilities with Evil
MARK: What do you mean there’s no Devil – of course there is – look around – don’t you watch tv news or read the papers?
MARK: No what?
INES: I don’t read the papers or watch tv news
MARK What? How the hell do you keep track?
INES: Of what?
MARK: Of what’s going on.
INES: What’s going on?
MARK: It’s a nightmare - it’s a disaster – we’re sliding into a cesspool.
INES: So nothing new then.
MARK: No wonder democracy is at a crisis – people need to watch the tv news you know – it’s a …it’s a responsibility
INES: Well on that note – I would say it is definitely good to stay informed – but the industrial entertainment media complex hardly informs
MARK: O my God – don’t tell me you get your info from ...I don't know - Hypnosis or Ouija boards or...Spirits?
INES: If only.
MARK: O no – worse - Facebook
INES: You made a joke – that’s good
MARK; Your hopeless – anyway – whare do you get this mad idea there’s no evil
INES: O I think there’s evil - I am merely asking you to consider – what would it mean if there was no Devil – a completely separate self-contained Pure Evil entity
MARK: No devil? Currently, the world is full of them - look around
INES: Again I am not saying there is no evil – I am asking what the cause may be?
MARK: The Devil – evil entities from Hell!
INES: That’s certainly one narrative
MARK: And what’s the other?
INES; That’s what I am asking you to consider.
MARK: There’s evil – there’s no other ‘story’
INES: For those reading – that was air quotes around ‘story’
MARK: Come on – what’s the other…narrative then?
INES: What if there is just us?
INES: Humans, and their baggage
MARK: Bullshit – what about all those spirit worlds you guys believe in – good spirits and bad spirits – entities- ghosts- demons
INES: “You guys”?
MARK: People like you.
INES: Hypnotists? I don’t think that is a Hypnotist thing especially
MARK: You spiritual types
INES: Ah – us guys – the spiritual types
MARK: You cannot say there is not evil abound in the world
INES: Abound?
MARK: Abound, abroad, around, whatever – in the world
INES: I am not saying there isn't evil – I am asking to consider the possibilities of its origin.
MARK: You think we, humans, are the instigators of evil?
INES: Not such a stretch.
MARK: What about those entities, those evil spirits, demons
INES: You met any demons in your travels?
MARK: No but you have.
INES: Well true, but demons as in evil though, not as in demons as in ‘of the devil’ – I am suggesting.
MARK: There good and evil – black and white – stop and go there always two sides always a – whatdoyoucallit?
INES: di·chot·o·my?
MARK: probably – you know ying and yang
INES: That’s definitely how we seem to perceive things – course could be a cultural thing
MARK: No it's NOT
MARK: Ok so let’s say, let’s say – we are the Devil and God rolled into one what would that – change
INES: Our possibilities
MARK: Possibilities
INES: For changing
MARK: Changing what?
INES: Everything.
Imagined conversation with Ines Simpson 2020