Positivity of Persistence
Here we are in mid to late January. At the critical ‘make’ or ‘break’ point for New Year’s resolutions. And, this is where PERSISTENCE can make all the difference. What was your New Year’s resolution – go to the gym? Lose weight? Stop doing whatever? Start doing more of whatever?
So when you feel the urge to give in – and about to grab for that chocolate covered donut. Or hit the snooze button and skip the gym. Just think about those instances where persistence has provided the ‘Key to Success.’
- Henry Ford: Founded five ventures, all ending in bankruptcy, failure and left penniless before finally finding success with Ford Motor Company
- Colonel Harland Sanders: Attempted to sell recipe for Kentucky Fried Chicken to 1,009 restaurants before finally creating what is now known as KFC
- Steven Spielberg: After high school, rejected three times from USC’s School of Theater, Film and Television – but didn’t stop him from going on to become one of the leading film creators of all time
We deeply appreciate the sacrifice of our dedicated police officers and first responders. As well as their families who also support – with persistence and dedication. And, it is a long and continuous struggle. That’s why it is so rewarding to be able to CONGRATULATE Brian O’Keefe – now ‘Captain Brian O’Keefe’ of the Manchester Police. Twenty-three years of continuous service. A leader in community policing and most recently serving in the very difficult role as Public Information Officer. A dedicated public servant. One of the truly good guys. A model of dedication and persistence.
What if it was your dream to fly jets for the U.S. Navy. You went thru all the exams, signed up, got into the program and on the very second day, were told that there was one additional eye exam to pass – that you were not even aware of. You failed the exam and were told you would not be able to fly. That you would be given some other role in the Navy – but would not fulfill your dream.
One of the many great things about small town America is the persistence of traditions – the lifeblood of community spirit. Those uniquely local traditions that get passed on from one generation to the next. A wonderful New Hampshire example is the Newport Winter Carnival – Founded in 1916! The oldest continuous town winter carnival in the nation. This year set to 103rd Newport Winter Carnival to take place on the weekend of February 7th – 10th . And of course, over the years, as times have changed – events have included everything from skating competitions, to skiing, dog sledding, wood chopping, snowball golf, pancake eating, and many more fun things. And, as is the case every year – this year is going to be the best one yet!
Thomas Edison
The ‘model of persistence,’ it took Edison more than 10,000 attempts to invent a commercially viable electric light bulb. After 9,000 consecutive failures, Edison was quoted as saying:
“Why would I feel like a failure? And why would I ever give up? I now know definitely over 9,000 ways an electric lightbulb will not work. Success is almost in my grasp.”
William Eardley IV: “Ambition is the path to success, persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.”
Calvin Coolidge: “Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.”
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