#PositiveVibes - You Choose

#PositiveVibes - You Choose

By John R. Nocero & Nicole M. Palmer

The VIBE: We have the choice to set boundaries with anyone that comes in to our lives

John: You choose who you love. Goke said it today and it totally resonates. You really choose. You can choose someone who is broke, rich, fat, skinny, tatted, pierced, wholesome, possessive, whatever you want to say. You get to choose. Now, that doesn’t mean you will end up with that person, only that you love them, or what you think or define as love. I had someone come back into my life a couple weeks ago – back in the day, they were the bomb.dot.com, but now, I don’t know - I don’t know how long they will stay, and I don’t know why they came back or how long they came back for – the universe does funny things to you like that sometimes. There is another, who I used to be close too and now, not so much, that messages me regularly for some reason can’t wait until I reply before messaging again, can’t figure out that I need some space. Let me come to you I want to scream – quit forcing it. You are forcing yourself into my life now and you don’t fit, but they don’t get it. There is another, who I have not talked to since last fall, and who I do miss every day but is gone, and likely is not coming back, and I have to be grateful for the time shared.

Now, I have a choice – I can choose to be miserable, pine for the unrequited, happy for the reunited, annoyed by the bothersome. But they are all choices. The best you can do is realize when it happens. Who knows – what is healthy one day is toxic the next. That’s why this is important. We don’t just choose. We can choose. It’s both a burden and a blessing. But we must continue to make them. Either way, every day.

 Nicole, how do you remember this and let your actions prove it, every day?

 Nicole: We have the choice to set boundaries with anyone that comes in to our lives. If we find ourselves in a situation where we don’t like how someone is treating us, it is okay to say, please don’t speak to me that way, you’re being rude, or when you can treat me with respect, we can talk about it.  There are people that we want to see or hear from every day and there are people that we will want to see or hear from once a week, once a month or even once a year. We have the choice to set that boundary and the other person has the choice to either accept it or deny it. This is when we agree to disagree and may part ways. Sometimes it is for the best. If two people can’t add value to one another’s lives, then what’s the point of getting caught in a vicious cycle?

John and I just want to roll with positive people. Likes attracts likes. There is no room for negativity. Zero tolerance. If you like to laugh, have a positive mindset and integrity, we welcome you with our arms wide open.

Please remember to like and share ;)


John R. Nocero PhD, CCRP的更多文章

