#PositiveVibes - What You Need?
John R. Nocero PhD, CCRP
Director of Quality and Compliance | All Gas, No Brakes
By John R. Nocero
I am sitting at my computer as I type this. This morning, I had a good breakfast – pancakes with syrup again. The carbs help me focus and keep my brain from feeling foggy. I have a slight pain in my left hip, probably from sitting, but nothing that I can’t work out with some liniment and some squat thrusts later today. I just texted my wife and told her that I love her. My bulldog Titan is rolling around on the floor next to me, making unintelligible growling noises. My other bulldog, Lil, is asleep in her crate. I watched some old-school Championship Wrestling from Florida from 1986 this morning. Barry Windham is a favorite of mine.
How about you? Look around you. Look at what you have. What else do you think you need that you don’t have?
I went through the same "I need something" on Sunday. Do I need it or do I want it? On Sunday, I bought something I wanted rather than I needed and you bet I am going to use it every day now to make my life better. I want it to be the best $10 I ever spent. Will it be? Right now, not sure, but I can certainty try. Why would I buy something I wanted, just to have it? I want to use it. I don't just want to have stuff. I want things that make my life better. If I don't, why have them in the first place?
You probably have a million reasons to be happy too. All you have to do is look at them. You might have an objection – “but I don’t have XX;†I get that, and I probably have mine too, but the positive far overrides the negative. If you don’t think it does, if you have a home, friends, food, electricity, someone you can call to laugh with, if you are working; if your eyes are working well today, you have what you need.
Just look around.