#PositiveVibes - Try
John R. Nocero PhD, CCRP
Director of Quality and Compliance | All Gas, No Brakes
The VIBE: Try. and enjoy. and then you will try again.
I saw this meme posted on one of my good friends' LinkedIn feeds yesterday. I agree with it, to a certain extent. I believe in the value of hard work and self-worth, but there also comes a time when pushing too hard becomes counterproductive and actually is bad for you. For example, when you are younger, say 25, and you set foot into the gym, your goal may be to continually break personal records in all your lifts. You can do that, for a while, but it’s 20 years later and you’re 45 – with a body full of scar tissue, and 20 years of wear and tear on your joints, then pushing even harder to get to those lifts becomes counterproductive, and can actually set you up for injury.
Or in my case over the last week, I have been trying to heal a cold. I have taken the medicine as directed. Now, if I tried to heal it faster by taking more medicine, then I put myself at risk for serious side effects. These may be too extreme examples, and I am sure there are others out there who have had other examples too. Okay, what do you do? Dial it back, but only a little. If you are already confident in what you are doing, tone it back a bit. Stick to a realistic target and enjoy yourself – who knows, it may leave you wanting more.
Perhaps, the self-feedback you get from going too hard is aiming for more realistic results, rendering you less vulnerable for your failures and allowing you to be present in the entire experience. Try that today if you are struggling with this – maybe less really is more.
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