#PositiveVibes - Stop and Think

#PositiveVibes - Stop and Think

By John R. Nocero

The VIBE: Just stop and think.

Yesterday, for much of the day, I sat and thought. Thought for a long while. The power went out for a couple hours later in the afternoon, so I sat in my chair, with my dog at my side and just thought, thought about why we do our jobs or how we can become better people or what we really want out of a relationship.

You know, I never set aside enough time just to well, think. I may do it while I am driving home or waiting in line at the grocery, or if someone close to me dies. I did it last fall when my cousin’s husband suddenly died. I realized then, it was important. So why don’t I make more time to do it? I made time to help Nicole with her feedback on how to project her voice – told her that it comes through from the diaphragm and to sound strong and speak up. That she should listen to her favorite disc jockeys and see how they do it. I bet she took some time to just thought about it. I need to do more of that. Make time to just think. Having a hunch it will be helpful.

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John R. Nocero PhD, CCRP的更多文章

