#PositiveVibes - Single Player

#PositiveVibes - Single Player

By John R. Nocero & Nicole M. Palmer

The VIBE: In some ways, life is a single player game.


John: I have written about life being a single player game before. It stems from this quote from Naval Ravikant: Life is a single player game. You’re born alone. You may die alone. All of your interpretations are alone. It sounds depressing on the surface, but I don’t really think it is. Let me explain:

You are having a rough day at work. You are extremely busy. You have a talking with your boss, or you are frustrated with things that are not getting done. You get angry. Let’s say you take a moment to pause, observe your thoughts, check your breathing, relax and smile, thinking of all the things you are grateful for. You then go back to your work. Everything is still there. Nothing changes except your mindset. How happy or how miserable you are is your choice – single player.

 Life really isn’t Fortnite. That game is winnable. But in life, even if you somehow manage to be great at something, you will not be the best at EVERYTHING. There is always someone better at something than you. That is fact. That is okay. You always think you need more when you continue to play the game – more money, better jobs, better everything – losing the thought of contentment at what you have. People always talk about winning the game. I remember in one of our earlier conversations, Nicole asked me if I kept score. I did – when I was playing the multi-player game. Now my whole perspective has dramatically shifted. I use internal metrics. I don’t want to compete with anyone except for me. I want everyone in my life to have as much love and success that they want, and I hope they wish the same for me. I want to be surrounded by awesome folks, awesome people, awesome everything. Not in a materialistic sense thought. My single-player is determined by me, not the world around me. A successful person attracts and repels – those they attract are the ones who are supposed to come into their life. I love everyone in my life and I am so grateful for them.

 Nicole, let me be clear here – I am not advocating and will never advocate alienating anyone, saying you don’t need anyone or anything – quite the contrary. What I am saying is that your own happiness and success is an internal metric, and some need to play that game in order to succeed. Here is another resource if needed


Nicole: You come into this world alone, with your own thoughts. We all come into this world and may share similar experiences, but we will never be able to relate to that experience 100% with another person, even though we both went through the same exact experience. We experience and interpret the world differently. We all are going to die at one point. Everyone will experience death and interpret it differently. All of the memories you will experience on your own, you will have your own interpretation of them no matter who you shared them with. John, I don’t think it sounds depressing at all. It is what makes up who we are. The single player game is the one thing that no one can ever take away from you. These experiences are yours and you own them. How you interpret and react to them is up to you. It’s not to be confused with loneliness. Part of being human is our emotions. Every time we feel, we experience life’s energy move through us. Every experience is necessary because it teaches us something about ourselves. No one knows you better than you do.

Take for example, no matter how hard you explain to someone how good your grandmother’s gravy was, they will never be able to smell it the way you remembered it. They will never be able to recall how it tasted and the way that it made you feel when you ate it. This memory is yours and yours only. Cherish these memories and hold them close to your heart. Remember life is not a competition. The game of life is a single player.

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John R. Nocero PhD, CCRP的更多文章

