#PositiveVibes - The Reframe Game
John R. Nocero PhD, CCRP
Director of Quality and Compliance | All Gas, No Brakes
The VIBE: Turn that frown upside down.
Cy Wakeman posted an awesome thought on reframing yesterday in her feed so I wanted to reshare here. She wrote “Reframing is choosing to see your situation as a great opportunity rather than a challenge or an assault, even when you aren’t sure what the opportunity is going to be. Change can be stressful even when you’re doing your best, and reframing will make the self-imposed part of your stress go away.”
The key, I believe to what she is talking about, are the words self-imposed, meaning, you do it to yourself. You can choose to see something as a potential goldmine, or you can choose to see it as drudgery. The choice is yours.
Cognitive reframing is a psychological technique that consists of identifying and then disputing irrational or maladaptive thoughts. It is funny how these messages come when you need them. Your mind definitely plays tricks on you and you start to tell yourself a story and then worse, you start to believe that it is true, so your body prepares to go through it, even when nothing is even present. I was talking to someone yesterday, successful professional, pays her bills, has a nice family, what seemingly on the surface makes her successful and how any of us would define success, and still wasn’t sure if she was succeeding. See, it happens to everyone and no one is immune.
So remember today, you do have a choice – you can see the situation for what it is – a positive blessing – or what you think it is, but remember, choose wisely.
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