#PositiveVibes - Reasons & Seasons
John R. Nocero PhD, CCRP
Director of Quality and Compliance | All Gas, No Brakes
The VIBE: Some are in your life for a reason; the others, a season; the special a lifetime.
I got an e-mail from a friend yesterday that I hadn’t heard from in years. She was more than a friend – to put it in terms, she was Nicole before Nicole was Nicole. But let's be clear - there is only ONE Nicole. She is here for a lifetime. Anyway, we wrote together, we presented together, we led together, we were partners. When I left that position where she worked, we stayed in touch, at least for a while. We also collaborated on a number of different blogs and writing pieces for a time. Unfortunately, due to work or life or what have you, we ended up losing touch and didn’t remain in contact, although I always had a deep respect for her professional ability and for her friendship. I’m glad she wrote to me. There obviously was a reason.
There was another friend that I saw yesterday, who I hadn’t seen in many, many months. I was leaving a place and I crossed paths with them, and I didn’t expect to be seeing them. It was one of those instances where you remember there was a fondness and deep respect for all that was accomplished at one time, but unfortunately, unlike the first friend, this one was more like a season. There was a definite stoppage to our friendship, and unfortunately, at the time I thought we could remain as such. Unfortunately, due to a number of different things, most likely personal growth and change on both sides, that is not the case. That was the end of the season.
In both instances, I am extremely grateful for the times shared. But I picked the reason for a good one, and the fact that the season ended is a good thing too. In your lives, remember that – some are here forever, some are here temporarily and some never come. That’s okay – just be good with you and you know the reason why. Sorry, I have to cut this short. I have to make a phone call. To a friend I hadn’t heard from in years.
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