#PositiveVibes - My Thoughts
John R. Nocero PhD, CCRP
Director of Quality and Compliance | All Gas, No Brakes
By John R. Nocero & Sandy Abell
John: It was my 44th birthday last July. I am sitting at the keyboard today. I woke up early. Same time I always do and came in to work. Kel came in to my room in the morning. She came up to me from behind and screamed “Happy 44th!!” I was startled. I jumped. I was watching the recap of last night’s Yankees-Twins game. “Sabathia looked bad last night, babe,” I said as she sat on the bed. I put in PTO for a half-day. Kel is going to pick up my cake. My thoughts on all of this? Well, they’re mine.
When I was a kid, there were two days that were a big deal in my house - birthdays and Christmas. The rest of the days, not so much, but those two days? Absolutely. My mother made sure of this. There was a big party. A cake. Time with loved ones. Lavish gifts. My 44th? There was party, well as much as I party. A cake?. Darn right there was a cake. Time with my two loved ones. And I already have all the lavish gifts I need. My thoughts on my birthday now as compared to my birthdays when I was growing up? Well, they’re mine.
I didn't get everything I wanted. Well maybe I did, I don't remember if I got nothing or I got everything. Maybe some things didn't go my way. Maybe everything went my way. But through everything my thoughts are mine. No one can dictate this for me. Only I can choose. No matter what happens today, that is my gift. My mom is here. My dad is here. Kel is here. My dog is here. My loved ones are with me. I don’t need a birthday to tell me that. Or to think it. I am not sad. Because my thoughts are mine. I always own my thoughts. I can choose to believe them or not. But they are mine. Sandy, your thoughts?
Sandy: I’m sure your birthday was wonderful, because you expected it to be, and were set to find the good. I’ve learned that when we expect to find the positive in a situation, we usually will see it. Also, if we expect to find the negative, we will see that. The reality is that all of that isl always there, and each of us, every day, has the option of being aware of our thoughts (as you stated), seeing the positive in every situation, and creating the experiences and feelings we want to have.
It’s terrific that you know your thoughts are yours, and you are always in control of them. That knowledge gives you the power to shape your life. I’ve noticed that when I take responsibility for my thoughts, and direct them towards the fun, beautiful, and happy things in my world, more and more of those things seem to appear. So, obviously, that’s what I choose to do. It sounds like you are doing the same, and as a result, you are surrounded by people who love you, doing the things that bring you joy. Many congratulations! That’s what it’s all about.