#PositiveVibes - Lights, Camera, ACTION

#PositiveVibes - Lights, Camera, ACTION

By John R. Nocero & Nicole M. Palmer

The VIBE: Focused mindset. Massive action.

John: I have been saying for more than a year now that if you keep moving forward and taking massive action, things will go your way. I don’t necessary mean that you will always get what you want, but at least you will go a long way in reducing that fear or that things will work or not. Time is going to pass no matter what you do or fail to do so isn’t it better to do something? Life evolves and changes for the better incrementally and usually much slower than you expect. Taking action that is productive makes you feel good and gives you hope of a positive future outcome. But even if positive outcomes are not promised, the only way to do something is to move at it. I got an e-mail from a mentee this week who got an interview at a company she wants to work at. She is grateful for the interview and will do a great job, but how many rejections did she go through to get that interview? Who cares! All you need is one. One job, one spouse, one thing. One. Just go find it. Taking action towards what you want in life is the best way to reduce your fear of the future and what may or may not go your way. Your life and destiny is shaped by the decisions you make and the actions you take, or fail to take. Unsuccessful people give up and stop trying when their life does not radically change for the better in an unreasonably short period of time. Successful people think in terms of decades and take action even though success seems far off or unrealistic.

Nicole: We are in control. Everything in your life is a choice. If you are not happy where you are in life, figure out what you want, and make it happen. The one thing you should fear, is doing nothing. People get comfortable and that is when they become stagnant. Change is good. Do not fear the word ‘No.’ It could be the best thing that happened to you and you just don’t know why yet. Trust the process. There is no fast track to success. What’s the worse that could happen? I’ve seen too many times, people stay stagnant for a low paying job because they like the hours, but they struggle to pay the bills. Is it worth it? Some say, yes. But, is it really? You have to think about what are you willing to compromise to put yourself in a better financial situation? Life is all about opportunities. It’s up to you if you want to take the bait or let it pass. Sometimes we cause our own suffering, by actions and reacting negatively. Also, how our true nature is masked by all the attachments we collect from this world, and all the thoughts and feelings we adopt from others. Making that personal relationship with one’s self, doing the inner work, staying mindful, and putting out the effort, is what it takes to transcend the ignorance of this world, and observe certain people that are caught in a cycle of suffering. THAT is caused by ignorance. Pattern thinking that causes repetitive results. Not being dumb or stupid, but because they haven’t had a realization, that opens their mind. The cycle of suffering is a negative circular pattern of thinking. Same thoughts, same results. People think that life is punishing them, and they wait for it to change on its own. People don’t realize that is their choices that are causing their misery. Many people attach to things that they feel lessens their misery, such as alcohol, but those things keep them from experiencing natural development that takes place as it should. We should be experiencing life to its fullest. Intoxication robs you of the full experience; it dilutes you. Being drunk becomes a norm, but it is a form of suffering and it’s cyclical. The attachments distract and take the place of growth. People become complacent, in their habitual mind and growth is stopped. If you are not happy with your current pattern of thinking and the results you are getting, it’s up to you to take massive action. Sending positive vibes your way.


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