#PositiveVibes - It's Not All Good

#PositiveVibes - It's Not All Good

By John R. Nocero & Nicole M. Palmer

The VIBE: Not all struggles are good. A struggle that has overstayed its welcome can lead to depression and anxiety

John: I believe in hard work, but like Goke, I don’t believe in struggling just to struggle. Why does it have to be hard just for the sake of being hard. All the best things of my life – work, hobbies, relationships, anything else that I have done – it was easy to begin. Even Positive Vibes, looking back it was frictionless. Because they were so easy to start, they were worth putting more effort into, worth persisting when I broke from the majority of collaborators and focused solely on what Nicole and I brought to the table, or started to put out solo pieces while I waited for her professional life to settle and she would be able to get back, because this is her spot. Anything worth doing for me, I had an amazing amount of fun to start and grit carried me through. If that initial bit of fun is missing, however, that moment where you clench your teeth will never happen. It’ll just be pain all the way. And if that was the case, then why would you want to continue to do it? Why not just quit and do something else? I don’t know why people bang their heads against the wall? For a dream? No, you can do something else.

 Nicole, do you believe in the idiom that if it is not easy to start, it will be hellish to finish?

Nicole: I think struggling is good for the soul. Imagine you are at the gym, and you are doing 20lb bicep curls and you are able to do 4 sets of 12. You have had this routine for 2 weeks now and each day it gets a little easier. You decide it’s time to kick it up a notch and try the 25lb dumbbell. This time you can only do 3 sets of 10. Your arms start shaking at the end, but you push through to finish your last rep. It feels good to struggle to the end. It gives you a sense of accomplishment and a future goal. The next week you are going to try your best to do 4 sets of 12 and if you can do it with ease, it may be time to say hello 30lb dumbbell, nice to meet you!

 Don’t get me wrong, not all struggles are good. A struggle that has over stayed their welcome can lead to depression and anxiety. Nobody wants to be stuck underneath the bench press with the bar on their chest without a spotter. It would be terrifying to think how long it would take for you to be able to remove the bar and to get out safely.

 John and I have a knack for being highly motivated which helps us facilitate the process of doing anything at an exponentially fast rate. We are producers. You say jump, we say how high, and then we exceed your expectation tenfold. We don’t need cheerleaders because we are our own cheerleaders. As Lady Gaga, says, Baby I was born this way.

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John R. Nocero PhD, CCRP的更多文章

