#PositiveVibes - Grip It

#PositiveVibes - Grip It

By John R. Nocero & Nicole M. Palmer

 The VIBE: In reality, without constant reminders, the ropes of our values slip out of our hands. Whatever is not intentionally kept at the forefront of our minds retreats to the back of them . . . where it ceases to inform our daily lives.

John: A lot of the concepts that Nicole and I discuss get revisited in one fashion or another – trust the process; stay strong, overcome obstacles; believe in yourself. These are just new twists on old themes – or twists on the concepts of holding fast. The McKays write that old-time sailors would sometimes get the phrase “hold fast” tattooed across their fingers. It was a reminder to stay vigilant in gripping the rigging of the ship. Without grasping the ropes firmly, a sailor could get a ship off course, or be himself swept overboard by wind and wave. In our own lives, we want to hold fast to our values and vision for who we are and where we’re going, even when hit with the storms of setbacks.

We often incorrectly (and unconsciously) think that our core principles are so obvious, so deeply held, that keeping our grip on them will happen without effort. We think we can be spiritual without engaging in any related practices, stay focused on a philosophy without continually studying its insights, maintain good character without regularly revisiting what that means. We think it’s one and done: “I’ve heard this idea before; it’s obvious; I’ve got it.” In reality, without constant reminders, the ropes of our values slip out of our hands. Whatever is not intentionally kept at the forefront of our minds retreats to the back of them . . . where it ceases to inform our daily lives.

 Nicole, how do you maintain the grip on the ropes of your own values?

Nicole: There a few certainties that we can rely on when we are out to sea. The sun will always rise in the east and set in the west. We must always keep our eye on the sun to know where we are going. When we lose sight of the sun and let the ship control us, we lose our sense of direction and allow our emotions to get the best of us. Storms will come and go to test our patience. We must remember we get more with honey than we do with vinegar. They say people’s true colors come through when times are tough. We have the choice to laugh, stay focused and keep perseverance on our vision and values. Or to get ticked off, have irrational thinking and act in away that disrupts the morale of the ship. Here is how I like to maintain the grip on the ropes.

 How to maintain the grip on the ropes

 1.      Breathe and tell yourself everything will okay. This is only a temporary situation. Nothing is permanent.

2.      Be proactive instead of reactive. Ask yourself, what do I need to do to get back on track?

3.      Work together as a team. Ask, how can I help you?

4.      When the storm settles and you have found the sun again, we can reminisce about the time we had to “hold fast.”

 What do my four tips have in common? Positive Vibes baby, positive vibes!

 Please remember to like and share ;)


John R. Nocero PhD, CCRP的更多文章

