#PositiveVibes - Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable
John R. Nocero PhD, CCRP
Director of Quality and Compliance | All Gas, No Brakes
By John R. Nocero and Nicole M. Palmer
The VIBE: Simply put, get comfortable being uncomfortable
John: I say this a lot, “Get comfortable being uncomfortable.” I don’t know where I heard it, but I’m thinking it was from Brad McLeod, who runs SealGrinderPt.com. My parents were both military – my dad a colonel in the Army; my mother a master chief in the Navy. Both are long passed, but they instilled a sense of military discipline and work ethic in me from the jump. In fact, I am convinced my dad’s ghost lives in my closet, and if I don’t make the bed every morning, he will come out and there will be hell to pay. There is something to be said about not staying in your comfort zone. Over my career, I have been forced to do things that are unfamiliar; going from peer to supervisor, untangling delicate problems and dealing with various components of research compliance. I will admit I did not enjoy being Dr. No in the Land of No, but I am convinced that these experiences that took me outside of my comfort zone have lead me down the path of success. While many people prefer the familiar, embracing the parts that do not feel as natural lead to growth. I have found that I have an aptitude to motivate people, and that talent was untapped for many years. As you venture outside of your comfort zone, keep in mind that pain is growth and seeking new challenges may unlock a talent that you never knew you had.
Nicole, how do you step outside your comfort zone? For example, you told me this week that you are not a public speaker, yet you crush that when you do it. Did you find a new aptitude when you do it and is it something you do regularly?
Nicole: 6 years ago, my great uncle died. He had a traumatic brain injury. On March 3rd, he was hosting my grandmother’s 80th birthday party. There was a slow gas leak. Timing is everything and he was at the wrong place at the wrong time. He fought hard and long and eventually his life was taken away. It was that moment that I learned you never know when you are going to die. He was healthy as a horse. This was when I decided to get out of my comfort zone. My uncle’s son owns a ballooning business. My uncle loved to go up in the balloon. I hate heights. I like my feet on the ground. When my uncle passed, I asked my cousin if we could go for a balloon ride. I scheduled it for the fall because I love the bright colored leaves. We went up, up and away. I was scared shitless! My cousin was laughing at me because I was shaking like a leaf for the first hour. No coffee needed that day. There were intermittent moments where I felt comfortable and able to be at peace. I could see the deer galloping through the fields. It was serene for a brief moment. Very brief. Then there was the time when I went to Las Vegas with a group of my husband’s friends. We were at New York New York, and my husband and his buddy were going to go on The Big Apple roller coaster. I was going to take pictures of them. Somehow, I found myself in a line that I could not get out of. I had no intention of going on. It was the longest 2 minutes and 45 seconds of my life. 67 MPH, biggest drop is 144ft, and I had my head tucked in and I was in the fetal position with my eyes closed. It was the closest feeling to death that I felt. Just thinking about it races my heart. A year later, my husband and I decide to zip line across Freemont Street in Las Vegas. Let me remind you, I don’t like heights. I like me feet on the ground. We are next in line, they hook up our gear, my husband gives me everything in his pockets to put in this bag that they attach to you. Ready, set, go and we are off. Ready or not. My husband zips down at mock speed and I go at a very slow and painful speed, due to all the weight in the bag that is attached to me. Now that I am a mom, I don’t take those types of risks. I think a little differently. For example, I hate public speaking. There’s 2 things I’m not good at and I don’t pretend that I am: public speaking and math. Can I do them? Of course. Do I like to? No. The moral of the story is, get out of your comfort zone. We are only on this earth for a short period of time. You never know…