#PositiveVibes - Fail Quickly
John R. Nocero PhD, CCRP
Director of Quality and Compliance | All Gas, No Brakes
The VIBE: Fail early, often and forward.
In 2014, I took a job out of state that I really didn’t fully understand, although I had a great team and partner who helped me. 18 months later, I was back in Cleveland. Epic fail. I couldn’t do that gig. In 2015, I wanted to write a blog consistently. Didn’t happen. Thought I needed a partner or until everything was perfect. Another fail. In my current role, I had a difficult time figuring out one of the systems, and three weeks later, we had switched to a new format on a report to get us data faster and more reliable. I could go on and on, but the point here is, when you fail, fail quickly.
Most things take twice as long as you think they will and with many additional failure points that you think they will have. Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there, waiting to punch you in the mouth and knock you down.
That is why I love Will Smith’s lesson about failure. He says, “Fail early, fail often, fail forward.“Failure is where all of the lessons are. You gotta live where you’re almost certain you’re gonna fail,” he says. “Practice is controlled failure.” As Goke notes, You want your failures to come early, to happen fast, to be small and contained. The reason I have so many failures is because I ditched them as soon as I realized they were doomed. I fail a lot. I am NOT perfect. I try to do that as best as I can. Because it allows me to find what works. Fail early, fail often, fail forward and don’t quit until everyone sees you as a survivor.
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