#PositiveVibes - Every Day
John R. Nocero PhD, CCRP
Director of Quality and Compliance | All Gas, No Brakes
The VIBE: Look forward to EVERY day, not just Saturday
Goke has an interesting post yesterday about no-sense Friday. He writes “What is No Sense Friday, you ask? Well, most people live for this day. All week, they look forward to it. And while there’s nothing wrong with relaxing on the weekend, we often just waste it away by going on a two-day bender giving in to our every impulse. That’s why Friday is the most important day to call out things that make no sense. So that’s what we’ll do. Because in a way, the concept of ‘Friday’ itself makes no sense. A good life is lived every day, not just once a week.
I can see where this is true. Every day is an awesome day – a chance to spend time with those we love, acquire new skills, participate in hobbies we enjoy, read more books, whatever we want to do. Yesterday was fantastic – I got a pivot table to work, but not without some issue, and that’s what made it beautiful. I struggled with it for a couple hours, I got an idea and then BAM! It worked as I had hoped. I shared with a colleague to get her opinion and she agreed, and now we can discuss at the team meeting next week. Every day is a new chance, every moment a new moment to show we are a different creature than we were even five minutes ago? So why waste it away and wish to have some time off – to waste that too? No. Enjoy it and get after it. Every day.
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