#PositiveVibes - Evaluation Time

#PositiveVibes - Evaluation Time

By John R. Nocero

The VIBE: Taking stock of 2018

The New Year is rapidly approaching, and I am taking time for reflection and evaluation of my 2018 – what worked, what didn’t: am I doing what I enjoy; am I happy; what should I be doing that I am not doing, etc. you get the idea. These are important questions to ask yourself. I am participating in Mel Robbins #Mindset Reset to start 2019 off right.

For the next 35 days, Mel will be teaching me how to reset my mindset. This is done through practicing simple easy ways to worry less, quiet anxiety, get rid of my limiting beliefs and build a more positive and happy mind. It’s a skill, and once I learn how to do it, it will be mine forever. I am starting to write everything down – what I want to happen with my physical self, my work, my friendships and relationships and my relationship with myself. For each category, I am asking myself how I performed over the last year and where I would rate it right now. I am also taking stock of my wins in 2018 and making sure I celebrate them. This includes the errors did I fix, the new friends that I made, where did I added value. Tonight, when Kel and I go to our New Year’s Eve dinner, we will talk about them. We take stock in everything that we did over the year and set goals to start 2019 off right. This is the best way I know how to do it.

It is said that days are long but years are short. This one certainly seemed that way. I can’t believe how fast it went. Time is definitely my most valuable asset so I need to prioritize it. Buckle up. I’m ready.



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John R. Nocero PhD, CCRP的更多文章

