#PositiveVibes - Easy Doesn't It
John R. Nocero PhD, CCRP
Director of Quality and Compliance | All Gas, No Brakes
The VIBE: Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life
It always amazes me when people think things should be easier than they are. About a month ago, I took Kel to the airport in her car. I get home and go to put my car in the garage to pull hers in and my car won’t start – well, it started, but hard. About a month prior, I went to the auto store and they told me that my battery would likely need replaced soon. They said, "There will come a day John, when the battery won’t start." But I put it off and put it off and finally that day happened. I immediately texted Kel and told her I was going to Advance Auto Parts immediately to get a new one.
That night, it was cold and raining. When I arrived, I met a nice woman who worked there who installed the battery for me. I asked how busy she was and how she got started there. Turns out, she also had taken some turns in her life, got down a bad road, grew up with less than others had (no running water or electricity), but she said to me, “John, I am grateful for the road I had. It was not easy. When I decided to go down the right path, things got easier for me.” As I drove home, much of what she said resonated with me.
Here is a woman, who is grateful for the fact she had no electricity or water, and who asked people to help her go down the right path, and she is actually grateful the path has been hard and that she has a job at the auto store. That is commendable.
The truth of the matter is, no matter how well-prepared you are or how high the stack of desirable accomplishments and abilities you have in your corner, life is going to be hard. It is simply the nature of the beast. But... when you accept that it's going to be difficult, challenging, and full of despair (at times), you suddenly free yourself from expectations, and you'll find yourself flowing with more confidence. And you can then start looking to shore up your efforts with resources to make your situation easier.
Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life.
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