#PositiveVibes - Don't Put It Off
John R. Nocero PhD, CCRP
Director of Quality and Compliance | All Gas, No Brakes
The VIBE: What have you been putting off, and why?
What have you been putting off and why? For me, it was unwanted conversations with people that used to be part of my life, that for some reason, okay, a lot of reasons, I caused, or I got upset with and I let them go. Looking back, it was as much my fault as theirs, but when they apologized, why didn’t I forgive them? For the people that want to be in your life and they do their best to make amends, then you should forgive and move on. There is no use holding on to all that hate. So I have started to do it with people in my life that have circled back. Now that does not mean I am going backwards and trying for a do-over, but if someone comes back, I am more likely to forgive. I don’t know why I had put it off for so long, but I did. Probably because it was such a struggle for so long. I thought it would make me look weak. What is weak is not admitting what we are struggling with.
For example, I texted my sister last night and she said to me, “gosh, you have been in constant contact lately, are you dying? What is going on?” To me, I wish I had a better relationship with her, so I have tried more and more to be in contact, and really connect. We are starting slow, but that is good. It takes time to break through the cycles of pain, but we are trying. It is a cycle. And a struggle, so maybe if we are all honest about our struggles, we would not feel so isolated and alone. In fact, I bet we’d have more in common than we think. And it is only through talking through it that you are able to end your feelings of loneliness and sadness and find solutions. So start by having the courage to be open about what you are dealing with and you’ll be surprised by what happens.
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