#PositiveVibes - Default

#PositiveVibes - Default

By John R. Nocero & Nicole M. Palmer

The VIBE: Having such a default as a fallback habit makes all the difference.

John: It is a classic, but it makes all the difference. We are talking about the power of the default or going back to the default choice in your life. For example, I am at the grocery store last weekend and I freaking want some chocolate chip cookies, like a craving came over me the likes of which I have not experienced in some time. I see a huge package and as I pick it up, I look back at a choice I made a while back – no sweets. I had a lot of sweets growing up and finally one day last year I said, no sweets. So I decided to cut them out, that’s it no more. I'm on day 338, 383,838 right now and even though I don't have any at home, there are times I still want them. But I don’t need them. Of course, I still crave sweet things, so I've set a new default: fruit. If I really want something and I start thinking about it too much to the point where it gets unproductive, I'll just have an apple, a banana, an orange, whatever, or some cereal, and I am good.

Having such a default as a fallback habit makes all the difference. I don't have to think. I just do. For example, in Austria, everyone is an organ donor by default. Only 10% of people opt out (which anyone can). In Germany, no one is an organ donor by default. You have to opt in. Only 10% of people do.

Nicole, what is your fallback?

Nicole: John, we have the same power of default. 8 years ago, I was diagnosed with lactose intolerance. Non-dairy sweets aren’t always so great or if they are good, they are expensive. I’ve learned to replace my cravings with fruit as well. Apples dipped in peanut butter is pretty good but not as good as a Reese’s. That used to be my kryptonite. Taking a bag of grapes to snack on at a desk job is perfect while typing. Eating an orange can get messy. Last summer, on my lunch break, I walked to the local market and the sales clerk talked me into buying a pomegranate. I had never had one before. He told me how to dissect it and that you are only supposed to eat the seeds. Let me tell you this, pomegranate is not the type of fruit you want to try at work for the first time. It is messy and less than classy! Every now and then I will splurge and buy Enjoy Life chocolate chips and eat them by the handfuls. They actually are pretty good, and you can’t tell the difference from Nestle Toll House. I’m sure there is a reason why I am lactose intolerant today. My only good group used to be dairy (hyperbole). I needed to be taught the other food groups. Life is all about choices and doing what is best for us and others.

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John R. Nocero PhD, CCRP的更多文章

