#PositiveVibes - Anything?
John R. Nocero PhD, CCRP
Director of Quality and Compliance | All Gas, No Brakes
By John R. Nocero and Sandy Abell
John: “I can do anything.” I heard these words from someone last week. As it was stated, it can be interpreted from an organizational standpoint – where people buck the rules – and a personal standpoint, where people believe they can accomplish anything with perspiration and elbow grease. Let’s explore both.
The complexity of today’s business environment can easily throw any compliance professional for a loop if they are not prepared. To combat this, they decide to wrap a policy around everything and call it done rather than critically thinking about a practical solution.
The problem with this approach is there is never a one size fits all approach. When this is your course of action, you don’t always get the best solution. Seeing things through your own eyes always gives you the best picture. From a personal standpoint, you have to be aware that some employees do not know enough about their own limitations to critically evaluate themselves. They lack self-awareness. Yes, they actually think they can do anything if they just worked a little harder. I have been guilty myself.
The truth is that we are not all created equal. There are people smarter than you, who write better than you, who communicate better than you and achieve more than you. And that’s okay. If you are working as hard as you can every day, you need to celebrate that. You also need to tell your leader where you lack understanding. It is up to your leader to fill in those gaps and you need to learn from this.
There’s no denying that both situations take you on a bumpy ride. Don’t let rules and regulations control your life to the point that you cannot use wisdom. Do not fail to see the forest because of the trees if other employees cannot. Don’t be overwhelmed – maybe you can do anything – provided you stay committed and apply some common sense. You cannot do everything. At least, not all at once.
Sandy: Hey John. It seems that you are coming to this subject from the compliance professional perspective, which makes perfect sense, since that’s who you are and what you do. I understand that you don’t want incompetent people stepping in to do things they aren’t yet qualified to do.
However, I think that the, “I can do anything” attitude is terrific. It’s the people with that mind set and belief in themselves that jump in and learn, grow, and become leaders and visionaries. They are the ones who forge ahead and make things happen.
If you talk with any successful athlete or entrepreneur, you will find a strong belief in their ability to overcome adversity and accomplish their goals. Of course, they also acknowledge that there will be a learning curve, but they believe that as they work through that they will become better and better, and eventually be able to do anything.
Also, people who are successful in business, or other areas of life, need to believe in themselves. I’ve never met a successful person who told him/herself that they were deficient and couldn’t do what they were trying to do. They all realized there were things they needed to learn to become better at what they were wanting to accomplish, but they also had a strong believe in their ability to grow and learn, so they could get there.
You end by saying “you cannot do everything. At least, not all at once.” I believe that is the key.
To be successful you have to know that with a belief in yourself and ultimate success, and the right training and practice, you will eventually reach your goals.