#PositiveVibes - ABC
John R. Nocero PhD, CCRP
Director of Quality and Compliance | All Gas, No Brakes
The VIBE: Always be contagious, and always build character
Nicole and I got welcomed into the Always Be Contagious family last night. It is a website run by Hernando Planells where he, like us, spreads the message of positivity. Both she and I are amazingly grateful,. I am thinking about the definition of contagious and what it means. The first thing I thought of was a virus, something that you catch. But the better way to think about it is something that spreads, like influence, example, and the value of being a better person.
It is true – you never know who is watching. That’s why you should always take every second as important and live up to your values – do what you say you are going to do, when you said you were going to do it, how you said you were going to do it, every time; set the example that others can follow in your own authentic way. I always knew I was introverted but never did I realize that introversion could be a good thing, but it is when it is coming from your authentic self. I always encourage everyone to do their best, but I have never been the rah-rah cheerleader type of guy. I just haven’t. I prefer to put my head down and just do the work. Can I get noticed if I need to? Sure, I know how to grab attention, but I don’t think this is what it is about anymore. The toughest people I ever met were the ones who get up every day, go to work, come home, pay their bills, spend time with their families, enjoy their lives, have great friendships, save money, be kind to the next ones coming up, spread love, work hard and do it day after day, month after month and year after year. Come to think of it, that itself is not a bad life. At all. I love that life very much.
And when you are always being contagious, you are always building your character too. Today, strive to be a little better than you were yesterday in some capacity. Maybe that will spread too.
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CEO, Organizational Leadership
6 年Couldn't help but:? Always Be Closing!