Positives changes that Covid-19 brought to our organization.
Institute for Rural Development (IRD) - Vijayapur
IRD was founded to mainly work with a focused attention on Rural Development with special attention on Safe Drinking wat
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to major loss of lives and livelihood. Despite intense efforts of the global scientific community, there is scanty knowledge related to the functional aspects of the virus, its transmission dynamics, immunological response to natural infection and vaccines. In addition, it is important to understand the drivers of vaccine hesitancy and reduced uptake, clinical spectrum of the disease and its progression. Also there is a need to formulate the clinical management protocols in line with the emerging global evidence.
The Government of India is taking all necessary steps to ensure that we are prepared well to face the challenge and threat posed by the growing pandemic of COVID-19 the CoronaVirus. The most important factor in preventing the spread of the Virus locally is to empower the citizens with the right information and taking precautions as per the advisories being issued by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. Covid -19 gave us positive aspects to function with & here are few of them.
1)Preparing for a plan for our organization and our staff. -It does not need to be a complicated one.?
2)Focusing on core work and programmes.?
3)Assessing how the program delivery is getting impacted or might get impacted in the coming days or weeks.
3)Filtering down to the ‘core of the core’ activities of our program delivery that must be and can be carried out.?
4)Assigning responsibilities and making them clear to everyone in the organization.
In many countries, now the official government advice is to stay at home and work from home barring the essential services. Follow the government guidance as applicable and strictly comply with it. Provide information to your staff and volunteers about COVID-19, ways to prevent it, handwashing advice, how to report, what to do if suspected sickness, and so on.?
We made a note of the following system to keep the functioning as regular and on point as possibleRe
Regular communication (emails) from NGO leader (e.g. CEO) around the steps you are taking to deal with the situation
2) Keep them up to date and do not shy away from sharing your challenges, steps being taken, and so on
3) Include information around how you are managing your organization, how are beneficiaries getting impacted and what you are doing to ensure safety and care of the beneficiaries/ community you serve
4) Use social media. Even in emails, use photographs/ videos and other interesting media instead of emails full of text and boring data.