Peter Mboya
Business Banker | Insurance Consultant| Climate Agent| Digital Payments Expert| Community Development Expert| CX Champion| Group Lending Expert| Life Couch.
Amazon Jungle is the biggest Jungle in world. It covers a total area of 7Million Square Kilometers. It has got diverse species of animals and plants. Dangerous animals and poisonous snakes are found in this forest. You can read more at Famous Jungles around the World - A Knowledge Archive (
Now imagine suddenly, you`ve found yourself in the middle of this forest what would you do?
You find yourself in the verge of confusion, you`ve hit the rock bottom, you`re at the bottom of the valley – between a rock and a very hard place. Everything seems to be falling apart, the weight of the whole world rests upon your shoulder. Everything you touch falls apart and you`re all alone.
Everything in the world seems to be in a coordinated response to protest against you. You`ve lost your job or your business has failed massively, your landlord is on your neck, you`re not sure of your next meal your best friends no longer receive your calls and you`re on the deep state of confusion and sorrow.
The confusion in the world is causing pain in the lives of many. Humanity is in despair. The world has become too hostile for her inhabitants. Tough economic times, broken social institutions and structures, family breakups, heartbreaks, emotional instability, stress etc. are on the rise.
I exactly do not know the storm of life you may be going through at the moment but am certain something may not be working well for you as anticipated, am certain something may be stressing you at the moment and you`re fighting to find a way out, for a breakthrough.
Amidst all these storms, the confusion, horror and turmoil of life, there is a still positive sound, voice within you that you should pay attention to. The whisper of the voice of God in your life that you gonna come out strong once again, you gonna emerge victorious in the test of life you`re going through. This still voice gives hope to the hopeless, it gives strength. Amidst all this confusion, you have to be still, to be to of good courage and strength to listen to it.
As everyone else see your fatal ending, this voice; the positive sound speaks a victorious ending for you. In the middle of the storm, to listen to this voice, you must spend some time in solitude with nature, with God in prayer as you appreciate His creatures starting with yourself. You realize you`re wonderfully and fearfully created, you`re created for a purpose, you`re special and their no one else is like you in the whole world and you have a giant potential lying within. You acknowledge the love of God for your life and realize that what you`re going through is just but for a while to prepare you for the great future, you realize that it never rains forever and the dawn draweth near from the deep awful, and scary night.
When you listen to this positive sound that always whispers positivity for you, you keep your face towards the sun and your shadow falls behind you. You keep a beautiful smile in your face and your hearts melts with bubbles of hope and joy. The vigor of your system is back again, your mind calms down, you get more quality sleep, you become innovative and attractive, and you attract success in your life like a magnet. You become like an oasis or a canopy in the middle of the desert, both people and animals and even plants flock around you to sustain their living. It`s dawn with the golden rays of sun from the east. The glittering waters of oceans are calm and beautiful again.
This still positive voice gives hope to a student in an exam room, a group of women tilling or plucking tea in the fields at dawn, a young man in despair in a construction site on a sunny day, patient in the death bed, and a truck drive behind the wheel and to YOU. Listen to the voice of God in your life. It will give you meaning, purpose and direction!
The End.
? Inspired Africa.