The Positive Reinforcement Feedback Loop

The Positive Reinforcement Feedback Loop

If you had to evaluate all your thoughts and feelings and grade each one as either positive or negative – what would your score look like at the end of each day? Would you be surprised to discover that the majority of your thoughts are distinctly negative in nature? Would you be shocked to realise that you unconsciously devote most of your mental and emotional energy towards stressful thoughts and feelings of anxiety? I know. It’s usually a surprise to discover how much negativity we generate with every passing moment. In fact – it’s pretty scary!

It is not death that a man should fear,

but he should fear never beginning to live.

-??????Marcus Aurelius

But why do we do this? What drives us to channel most of our emotional and mental energy towards negative outcomes?

The answer can be found in our early conditioning, in those long-forgotten and deeply buried childhood influences that programmed our behaviour when we were very young and highly impressionable.

These influences serve as the basis for who we become. They become the hidden foundations of our personalities.

In many ways, these early behavioural models become the subliminal architecture that supports all our future thoughts, feelings and behaviour.

Yet, once we recognise how deeply we’re dominated by these hidden, subconscious behavioural programmes, we can ask ourselves what we can do to change the pattern How do we free ourselves from the limitations that are laid down during the first six to seven years of our lives?

Fear keeps us focused on the past or worried about the future. If we can acknowledge our fear, we can realize that right now we are okay. Right now, today, we are still alive, and our bodies are working marvelously. Our eyes can still see the beautiful sky. Our ears can still hear the voices of our loved ones.

-??????Thich Nhat Hanh

The answer can be found in a simple yet highly effective method, a technique that’s been successfully employed by tens of thousands of people of all ages and from all walks of life.

In order to change your subconscious patterns of behaviour, you need to practise a new form of expression that focuses on positive thoughts and feelings. However, posting a selection of positive affirmations on your fridge or on your computer screen won’t do the job. You need to charge your new, positive thoughts with the emotional energy that gives them their real power and influence to change every aspect of your life – all the way down to the hidden depths of your subconscious.

In many ways, it’s fair to say that the pressure of negative thinking creates its own momentum in our lives.

So, for every negative thought or feeling that pops up, we need to counter it with a barrage of positive energy. Yes, of course it takes practice and it also requires a certain amount of awareness.

But the benefit of practising positive thoughts and feelings every day is that the new behaviour gradually becomes a habit.?

And then you’ll notice when the old behaviours begin to show up – because they’ll feel strange and at odds with your new sense of identity. Repetition lends itself to reinforcement. As you practise your new thoughts and feelings, your subconscious will adapt to the new input and develop new structures to support your more positive emotional signals. You’ll notice that you feel different. You might feel more creative, more confident, more excited about the future. You’ll feel less prone to stress and anxiety. You’ll sleep better. Perhaps your digestion will improve. Positive energy, positive thoughts and positive feelings will feed back into every level of your life.

Make a powerful decision right now to revolutionise your life by adding the raw fuel of positive thoughts and positive emotions to your daily output of mental and emotional energy. And set yourself free from the old limitations that have been holding you back for far too long.

Even though you may want to move forward in your life, you may have one foot on the brakes. In order to be free, we must learn how to let go. Release the hurt. Release the fear. Refuse to entertain your old pain. The energy it takes to hang onto the past is holding you back from a new life. What is it you would let go of today?

-??????Mary Manin Morrissey

Our mission and our motivation at The Wellness Foundation is to help you achieve your goals, fulfil your dreams and help you realise your ambitions. If you found these ideas helpful and recognise the enormous advantages of re-programming your subconscious behaviour, feel free to share this post and encourage your family, friends, colleagues and acquaintances to harness their potential for a better and more successful way of experiencing life.?

Are you ready to energise your life with a completely fresh perspective? This could be the perfect moment for you to discover the power of your hidden potential. This is your invitation to learn how to take back control of your life. Welcome to a new and better way for you to experience every day of your life. How?

The answer’s right here! Super You – the latest sensational book from bestselling author Greg Parry

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?You can order Greg’s latest book on the power of personal transformation at





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