Positive Parenting: Guiding, not Controlling
Our children, as they develop their own perception of the world, are striving for more autonomy.
Many parents desire to exert some degree of control over their children. In most cases, the attempts, sooner or later, prove futile which leads to parental frustration and offspring resentment. The earlier parents realise and accept that children do not belong to an area which they can easily control, the better the prospect for forming a healthy and constructive relationship which gives parents a scope for guidance. To facilitate that, parents should make every effort to keep communication channels open and ensure that children feel comfortable to discuss their life challenges and decisions without fear of judgement or disapproval. If this dialogue breaks down and the distance widens, estrangement may follow. Parents should keep in mind that it's their decision whether they want to know the truth or hear what they want to hear. The cornerstone of this relationship is mutual understanding and flexibility.
Our children’s mindset determines their attitude and behaviour. We can guide them positively by leading by example and being a good role model or by presenting them with convincing concepts and ideas. Instead of allowing our children to make random choices, parents should teach their children how to make decisions, explain the rationale behind their thought process, compare pros and cons and analyse potential consequences. Initially, parents should allow their children to test this process and practice these skills on issues which won't produce grave consequences, and step in if a mistake would be hugely detrimental. Giving children space and autonomy in managing their affairs will make them more receptive to parental concerns or criticism. Letting them practice accountability for their choices will allow them to learn from their mistakes. If things do not unfold as expected, this will present an opportunity to teach them to reflect and think of how to improve. If we make decisions for them, we will deprive them of learning opportunities.
When young, our children rely on us to tell them about the world. This is the time when they absorb our values and belief systems. As they mature and their personalities emerge, education, knowledge accumulation and life experiences gradually shape their own outlook and potentially prompt them to question ours. We must accept and respect these differences.
Many parents aspire to help their children lead successful lives, and, as a result, apply their dreams to plan their children’s paths without factoring in their children’s interests and talents. It is essential to remember that children are individuals with their personalities and goals and attempts to steer them towards a path they don’t like is not respecting who they are. Ultimately, it they yield to parental pressure, they may end up betraying themselves, leading to unhappiness and regret.
To me, parenting is a lifelong coaching journey, which adds an extra perspective to my learning to be a coach. Indeed, as parents we raise our children, nurture them, teach them to admire and accept themselves, and see their own worth. We help them to identify their strengths and weaknesses and encourage them to be confident in who they are and achieve their dreams.
While some children are obedient and cooperative, some are more determined to follow their ways. When I found parenting is not straightforward, I read books which helped me broaden my knowledge and expand my horizons. With my willingness to listen to my children, I gradually learned to understand them better and empathise with their situations and considerations.
One of essential skills that we can help our children foster and practice is confidence. We can do it by giving them reassurance and encouragement. We should encourage them to embrace challenges, celebrate their success, and support them to persevere and overcome obstacles. As they grow, we can gradually step back and give advice and assistance whenever they ask for it. Being a caring mum, letting go is never an easy process for me, although I understand this is something I must go through. I hope everyone can learn to love their children not by controlling them but letting them flourish in their own chosen way.
許多父母希望對孩子施加一定程度的控制。在大多數情況下,這些嘗試遲早會被證明是徒勞無功的,這會導致父母的沮喪和後代的怨恨。父母越早意識到並接受孩子不屬於他們可以輕易控制的範圍,就越有可能形成一個健康和有建設性的關係,從而為父母提供指導的空間。 為了促進這一點,父母應盡一切努力保持開放的溝通管道,並確保孩子們能夠輕鬆地討論他們的生活挑戰和決定,而不必擔心受到評判或反對。如果這種對話破裂並且距離擴大,疏遠可能會隨之而來。父母應該記著,想了解真相還是想聽自己想聽的話,是他們的決定。這種關係的基石是相互理解和靈活性。