Positive Organizational Behavior at Workplace
Amal Varghese

Positive Organizational Behavior at Workplace


Organizations face multiple challenges and threats today. Threats to effectiveness, efficiency, increased completion and changing customer demands and the constant challenges to maintain congruence among Organizational dimensions such as strategy, culture and processes. Keeping Organizational healthy and viable in today’s world is a daunting task. There are several basic behavioral science principles and practices that can be applied in Organizations for increasing the individual and Organizational effectiveness. Organizational development programs are the interventions and activities that are conducted in the Organisations aimed at improving the functioning of individuals, teams and the whole Organisation, and imparting the necessary skills and knowledge in the members for improving their functioning. This article discusses the Positive organisational behavior at Workplace in the broader sense.?

1.Building Positive Relationships?

It is hard to build meaningful workplace relationships. As a company, they have to look out for any instances of conflict. Or situations that can hamper employee relationships. Figuring out the real issues that harm employee relationships might be a daunting job. But it is essential to do that.Organizational behavior is essential to assist a company in solving the issues. It helps you in knowing different emotions of the people and figuring out the difference between the employees.?

2. Employee Motivation?

Motivation is a crucial element when we talk about employee engagement. Without motivation, it is difficult to improve productivity. A lack of motivation is why your people don’t give their 100% effort to the job.tackling such issues will require the study of organizational behavior. It monitors the overall experience of the employees and measures the performance based on behaviour.

3.Employee engagement and productivity?

Employees who are engaged with their work and feel a sense of commitment to their employees are more likely productive. Their motivation goes beyond personal factors, making them more focused and driven than their disengaged colleagues. They are efficient and driven towards organisational success.?

From positive psychology, many companies who practice positive organisational behavior can agree on the impact that the above leadership traits have on, and can attest to, the desired work-related employee outcomes. Some of these outcomes include improved performance, job satisfaction, work happiness, and affective commitment to the organization.

As we can see, many factors play a major role in Organizational Behaviour in the workplace. Human beings are unique individuals with a wide range of personality traits, learned behaviors, different values, beliefs, ethics and individual motivation. They have different goals and aspirations that identify different roles.?


Companies can have a positive workplace by knowing how to interact with one another, how to work together, and how to learn from each other. Providing positive experiences to employees is equally important as offering good services to customers. Such experiences include how staff members engage in their work, how they interact with colleagues, superiors, and customers. A supportive working environment will encourage and model positive organizational behavior among employees, and thus ensure high productivity in the workplace.



