Positive and Negative Experiences of Emergency and Urgent Care across England
PEP Health
Transforming patient experience measurement with real-time, AI-powered insights into unsolicited patient feedback.
Just published by Health Innovation East on behalf of NHS England a comprehensive report detailing the views of patients across urgent and emergency services over the last 4 years. Delighted for our insights to be part of this collaboration exploring the trends, variation and preferences of patients accessing these critical services.
As far as we are aware this is the first time that literature reviews, social listening, focus groups and a national survey have all been completed in one workstream to produce meaningful and timely insights to improve care.
This could be a blueprint approach to make more informed data led decisions for policy and operational improvements in healthcare. #whatpatientsreallythink
The full report is available at Understanding people’s expectations and experience of urgent and emergency care - Eastern AHSN
Brin Hodgskiss Hassan Chaudhury HonFAPM Helen Hoyland Caroline Angel Conor Burke Gordon Miles Katherine Henderson Henrietta Hughes Nick Sands Dr Harpreet Sood Richard Sloggett Alastair McLellan Miles Sibley Piers Ricketts Mark Lomax Chris Day Ursula Montgomery Claire Marshall Dr. Neil Churchill OBE Prof. Bola Owolabi, MRCGP MFPH(Hon), FRSPH Konrad Dobschuetz Julia Price