A Positive Mindset is Essential
Positivity is a concept very close to me. However, it may not come naturally to everybody and some might need more effort in cultivating this mindset, than others. The benefits of having your mind view situations in a positive way are endless, and in the book, The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle strongly agrees.
It is a natural response of our minds to think about what could go wrong, this is the way it has to protect us. However, if we do not make an effort to control our negative thoughts we may find ourselves thinking about it and invading our lifestyle (decisions, plans and projects). This leads to fostering several negative feelings such as anxiety, anger, sorrow, apathy and despair. And, with our minds ruminating around the same negative concepts over and over again, we end up attracting them.
Another key action that adds up to negativity is complaining. Once we are in a situation that we dislike, we start complaining instead of trying to actively change what is going on. Complaining is negative in nature. When you complain, it makes you the victim. If you speak up, you are in power.
Eckhart encourages us to think positive in order to experience positive, this is something I practice daily. By just acknowledging all the things in life and being grateful for them, I know I am cultivating positivity.