A Positive Mind to Fight the Cancer Fight
By Empact Group

A Positive Mind to Fight the Cancer Fight

A human being’s will to live and survive is ferocious when tested by circumstances that may be considered indomitable. A cancer diagnosis is such a circumstance. For most cancer patients, such a diagnosis is earth shattering to say the least, with some unfortunately opting to retreat into a realm of isolation and denial.

However, there are the brave. Those who when faced with such a metamorphic revelation choose to fight their way out. Four of our very own Empactors, share their unique individual journeys of triumph and how they never cancelled the cancer fight.

Greg Bishop

Greg is the General Manager: Sales of Empact’s food division. A life-time long distance runner having competed in over 200 ultra and normal marathons, Greg never once questioned the state of his general health. However, after having suffered from unusual extreme fatigue for a while and at the request of his wife, Greg visited a doctor to have his blood tested.

On the 27th of December 2022, Greg was diagnosed with a rare blood cancer. Despite what may have been considered a cataclysmic event, Greg received his diagnosis with what he describes as an unbelievable level of calm and rationality. His response to the doctor was simply, “find out which sub-group this cancer belongs to and let’s start treatment as soon as possible.” This, even with the alarming disclosure by doctors that if he hadn’t found out and started treatment when he did, Greg would had only three weeks to live.

“My cancer diagnosis didn’t come as a shock. I always had a feeling that there was something not quite right and so when the cancer was confirmed I accepted it immediately,” recalls Greg. “My immediate family took it the hardest,” he adds.

In January of 2023, Greg began his Chemotherapy. The treatment process was one which brought his family closer together and also served as a catalyst in amending his relationships. Chemo also came with the hardest days that tested Greg physically, and spiritually. His first three cycles were bearable however, it was his fourth cycle that induced his willingness to fight and to turn to his faith for resolve.

Despite his defiant stand, Greg also openly admits that there were days where he had to pull through and survive the day. The margins became so fine that it took every ounce of his defiance to push through the day. “Things got so bad, that I had to fight to just make it through the next 10 minutes,” he recounts. In all the pain, Greg’s offers these pearls of wisdom: get tested. It’s a simple prick of a needle which could save your life. The earlier you know, the better off you are to fight cancer.

Derek Hanson

Derek Hanson

Known for his larger-than-life personality, Derek Hanson is currently a Key Accounts Manager where he oversees one of Empact Group’s most successful food sites.

Just like Greg, fitness has been a part of Derek for the better part of his life. His previous roles include being a fitness and conditioning coach for referees, this over and above being an avid competitive cyclist.

Derek recounts how his cancer was initially misdiagnosed as a bacterial infection in August of 2022. “I remember discovering a lump in my throat. I had no other symptoms other than the lump which would give me great discomfort at night.”

“Finally, I went to visit the doctor to have it assessed. The GP prescribed penicillin however, after finishing the treatment I wasn’t better off. So, after no improvement I went back to the GP in November, and again I was given more penicillin.”

In spite of the back of forth visits to the GP, Derek knew early on that there was something far more sinister about his lump. After a visit to the Otorhinolaryngologist it was confirmed that Derek indeed had throat cancer – “an affirmation of something I already knew,” he establishes.

“As an athlete I have always been in tune with my body, so I knew there was something very wrong. However, my attitude towards my diagnosis was that this is not the end. We know what I have and now I do we fix it?”

Derek highlights that in his unique journey chemotherapy was not a problem. His darkest days came from the effects of the radiation treatment. Despite the draining effects of the radiation, he was never going to succumb to any self-pity, because that’s simply not who he is. For Derek, his guidance for anyone going through their unique journey, is to always stay positive and learn from every experience instead of rushing through everything.

Pearl Matlaila

Pearl Matlaila

Pearl Matlaila and Salome Molepo are literally two peas and pod. The two women who are based at one of Empact Group’s major food sites were drawn to each other through their mutual faith and spirituality. Pearl a Functions Coordinator was diagnosed with early-stage Cervical cancer in 2019 after a routine check-up. She reveals that at her time of diagnosis, she was not a stranger to cancer as the disease had already gravely affected her family as she had already lost her father, sister as well as her brother’s young child to cancer.

Despite these devastating losses in her family, Pearl has never been afraid to live and enjoy life to the fullest. Part of her routine of enjoying life includes speaking to young children about cancer and how they can embrace healthier lifestyle from a young age. This has seen her being appreciated by the youth in her area as they always turn to her for healthy lifestyle choices. Additionally, Peal also notes that she uses this opportunity to impart her faith into the children.

A healthy body is one of the greatest assets anyone can have when they are fighting cancer. The process of recovery takes a toll on your body and so a healthy body couple with a positive mind can see you through even in the times.

Salome Molepo

Salome Molepo

Meanwhile, for Salome, her diagnosis and journey towards cancer recovery is more recent. This cancer day will mark 7 months since she found out she had breast cancer and beginning her road to remission. Unlike Pearl’s situation, Salome reflects that she was the first in her family to suffer from cancer.

After discovering a lump on the side of her right breast she was immediately admitted into hospital. It took about three weeks for the results to confirm that she had breast cancer. Other than the lump in her breast, Salome clearly states that she didn’t suffer from other or additional symptoms. She recalls that her mastectomy surgery took more that four hours. Her treatment journey also included chemotherapy, which she admits did not take a severe strain on her. It was her three children who became her pillars through the recovery period.

Her will to fight was also sourced from her faith and in prayer. She cites that if I was not for her faith, she wouldn’t have survived the ordeal of being a cancer patient. Additionally, her friendship with colleague Pearl has become her refuge. Salome believes in having someone close to share in both the victories and in the difficult moments.

Both ladies are thankful that their respective cancer were discovered very early saving them the often-unbearable experience of radiation therapy.

How they each fought the cancer

For Greg, it was important to have positive influences around him even during the toughest moments of his treatment. Even though he has always been spiritual person, this experience further amplified his reliance and confidence in his faith. A natural athlete Greg leaned towards setting himself daily and weekly milestones, no matter how small. “Setting yourself a target reminds you of your capacity to overcome.” Greg attests that his miracle was the modern medicine and doctors who journeyed with him and his family. A good support structure was also essential for Greg who emphasises that keeping an open channel of communication within his family further assisted his recovery.

Derek turned to the disciplines he had accumulated from his sporting exploits. For him, it was important to continue living and doing the things he had always been doing. “I was never going to allow cancer to stop me from doing what I love doing. I knew that there were things I wouldn’t be able to do with the same level of intensity, but I wasn’t going to stop completely,” he declares. Additionally, the support he received from his family and colleagues, in particular, Naomi Kruger was pivotal in his recovery. Derek also fought the cancer in his body by remembering that everything comes to pass no matter how impossible the odds may be at that exact point. In an act of outright cheek, Derek states that competing in the 2023 94.7 Bike Challenge which was not in the immediate plans was another way kicking the cancer to the curb.

Pearl attributes her healing to faith and family. Her husband and children were there every step of way lending their unwavering support. She notes that being strong is the only option as anything less then a strong mentality can compromise the road back to full health. “When I was diagnosed, my family was there. When I went in for my operation, my family were the first people I saw when I came to. “My husband and the boys have never left my side. They have been with me through it all,” explains Pearl. Prayer kept me strong and helped fight off the doubt that wanted to creep in.”

For Salome, the gift that is her friendship with Pearl was her saving grace. “To have someone who had gone through the turmoil and overwhelming process of finding out that they have cancer in my corner saved my life.” “Even when we prayed together, I knew that her (Pearl) prayers were genuine and authentic,” says Salome. The presence of her children was a constant reminder that failure wasn’t an option and that the only outcome that would suffice was her full recovery.

All four of our Empactors agree that every cancer journey is unique. Each cancer diagnosis comes with its own unique set of challenges and requirements. Despite these disparities and distinction, the common nuance is having the right mentality. Beating cancer starts with beating it in the mind before beating it in the body.

This World Cancer Day, Empact Group salutes all the cancer warriors who have battled and are still battling cancer. In your fight, remember, Never Cancel the Cancer Fight!

Tony Gent

Extensive experience in catering and hospitality??

1 年

Mind over matter wins many battles the fight you guys have shown is inspiring to others battling with this dreaded disease. Hats off too you all I salute you.

Melissa Taylor

Managing Director | Beverage & Vending Solutions

1 年

Absolutely fantastic! Well done to you all!

Alan Quinn

Chief Executive Officer at Empact Group

1 年

I'm blown away by the inspirational triumphs of our Empactors in the face of such adverse challenges. The guts & determination they have demonstrated reflect the very ethos that makes us all Empactors. To these Empactors and to others who have faced or are facing similar fights against cancer, to you, I salute you! Thank you for sharing your story of victory!


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