Positive Learning Outcomes
Graeme Kilgour
Head of Business Development at Raith Rovers Football Club| Host of the Whisky Stories Podcast | Creating Events & Hospitality Experiences
A lot of the time, in-house training sounds like a great idea. And why shouldn't it? Saves a company on sending staff out to a training centre, saves having to bring someone else into the premises, training can be done within the working environment and the people/person delivering the training is familiar with the people, jobs and processes.?
In-house training allows businesses and organisations to get the specific information to their people in a specific way that is relevant to them.?
However, sending a manager, supervisor or someone who has been doing the job for a while on a train the trainer course and then expecting them to develop training materials, build training courses, develop needs assessments and then deliver impactful training to staff at the same time as continue to do their day to day jobs is often what ends up happening. This will result in training instructors becoming overwhelmed and neglecting their training duties.?
Train the trainer courses are ideal courses for any manager and supervisor regardless of whether they are intending to deliver in-house training or not. Understanding how to construct and deliver information is a key skill for any manager or leader. Knowing the basic principles of how to assess the training needs of individuals, present information in an engaging way, deliver feedback correctly and see positive learning and business outcomes is not just the role of a training instructor, it's a basic skill in leadership and management.?
Training is changing faster than ever before. Old methods of sitting in classrooms and watching someone read through slide after slide of a presentation is no longer acceptable. Even sending staff out to a generic training course with 10-12 other individuals from different businesses and industries has huge limitations. How can a training instructor in that environment give specific and bespoke information to each delegate on that course? We need to start focussing specifically on our needs as individuals, organisations and businesses.?
What do we ACTUALLY want from this training? Is it to tick a box that 50% of the workforce have been given some form of health and safety training to comply with legal requirements or is to have a safer and healthier working environment where people work together to reduce accidents, injuries and illness? What follow up is there after the training has been completed? Is it just acceptable to assume that because someone has a certificate, that they are now capable? Should there be follow ups and monitoring?
All of this highlights why the phrase 'training' is now starting to move towards 'learning and development'. It's no longer about 'bums on seats' and being able to explain how many 'training days' have been completed in a year. It's about the development of people and proving positive outcomes from learning and/or changing behaviour.?
Coaching, mentoring, task specific exercises, blended learning techniques and delivering engaging information in new and innovative ways is how to get everyone buying into a new open learning and development culture. Give people the chance to learn at their own pace and absorb information in the way that is best for them, encourage a self awareness and self assessment process where staff feel comfortable enough to identify where their weaknesses are and how they want to get better.?
That's what we are working towards now at Right Track Training. We want to start empowering businesses and organisations to look at the new and exciting ways to develop their workforce for better learning and business outcomes.?
We can support you all of the way; from introducing and mentoring staff to our unique and successful delivery methods to creating bespoke and unique material that can be delivered directly to staff through their mobile phones, tablets or computers. We conduct regular support sessions where we can analyse the data and performance statistics to identify workforce knowledge gaps.?
Dealing with change, learning new processes, staff onboarding, health and safety updates and managing staff development can all be done in a much more positive and proactive way. No more traditional 'chalk and talk' training course. It's time to invest in development to see positive business outcomes.?