Positive Descriptors

Positive Descriptors

How do you describe yourself to others?

Provided here are some positive descriptors and strengths to use instead of labeling your delimas.


I hyper focus on projects till they are done, or im to exhausted to work anymore.

I worry about what others think so much that i will insure total buy in before starting a project.

I like to take lots of notes to help me remember what we discussed and the decisions we made.

I can multitask as long as the tasks i start can be forgotten and completed on their own.

Im extremely creative, and love to doodle and brain storm ideas on a white board and paper before executing them.

I love challenges like .. being told something like that cant be done, or no one will ever figure that out. Challenge Accepted. =)

There is a direct inverse correlation between clean desks and messy computer file organizations.

If you have a clean desk, you store everything in one folder on your computer.

If you have a messy desk, you organize your computer files in folders.

Every new event in my life causes a new stream of consciousness and quantum possibilities to flood me with ideas.

At random intervals during the day, ill bounce around and spontaneously ask questions.

Water cooler conversations, while they may seem very distracting and dysfunctional, can be a source of great inspiration.





#messy desks

#brain storming


#challenge accepted

#can’t be done

#no one will figure this out


#work hard

#leave exhausted

#buy in

#note taker



#externalize ideas

#white boards

#inverse correlation





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