A positive Change starts from Working with Stakeholders

A positive Change starts from Working with Stakeholders

A #PositiveChange starts from Working with Stakeholders

An Experience with #DutchCustoms @SchipholAirport (Part 3)

With the ups and downs of the pandemic this year, distant working is a new normal so that different jobs and tasks do not need to be suspended in the Netherlands. Though many international flights and transportations were banned, Schiphol Airport and the Dutch Customs are still busy working for its mission to help the Netherlands improve the Dutch competitive position and to protect the Netherlands from unsafe and undesirable goods. With an ambitious mission and leadership, such a big organization, similar to other big organizations, is slow in undergoing organizational change due to its immense size, the divergent attitudes, in-consistent comprehension, and individuality of its employees in applying justice. Any changes, at an organizational level, are an organization's headache and also a big challenge at a national level due to the inelastic institutional system. As expected, the Netherlands strives to be a fair and equitable society where discrimination of race, gender, religion, etc. should not happen. However, these lofty goals of a highly developed society have not permeated through all social layers. I would, therefore, still strongly suggest that efforts be undertaken to convince the public at large of the overarching benefits of equality, human rights, health, safety, and sustainability.

I continue my story of dealing with the Dutch Customs at the Schiphol Airport to discuss discrimination and fairness. The early story can be referred to as part 1 and part 2.  The third part is still on the play as follows. 

Thanks a lot to my attorney, Mr. David Mulder from Taylor Wessing,  my friends and family's support, we had further offline and online communication with the Dutch Customs complaints office team. This team has shown the capability of inspecting the case thoroughly with honesty and the attitude of anti-discrimination. Following the earlier investigation, which did not acknowledge the misbehavior of the Dutch customs, this team reached a different conclusion. It offered me a sincere apology on behalf of the Dutch Customs for the way its inspection was carried out and the way my complaint was handled in the first instance. In a new letter of August 20, 2020, the inspection team also commented that they regretted deeply that I was confronted with such a disappointing experience with the customs during such a hard time in my life (losing an unborn baby), which I deeply appreciated. 

In general, The inspection team concluded as follows. 

-        The customs officers' behavior was unprofessional (patting on the table, thumb signal, and the use of bad language). The inspection team also regrets that the customs have not organized a meeting earlier during which the matter could have been discussed and solved. To this point, I appreciate that the Dutch Customs has had the courage to acknowledge its organizations' mistakes and misbehavior. 

-        The inspection conclusion letter also mentioned that 10% of passengers of the flight from Beijing should be inspected, based on the regulation, but the luggage should be opened only if something turned up in a scan of their luggage, which obviously did not happen in my case. In my case, the customs officer diverged from the assignment without a (valid) reason. This part of my complaint is, therefore, well-founded. With regard to this part, the Dutch Customs acknowledged their mistakes and the errors of their employees in applying the regulation. They are intended to make a change and improve on this part particularly. 

-        The part of the complaint relating to my scarf (being taken away for not having a purchasing receipt) is considered well-founded too. The inspection letter states that the burden of proof that an item's origin was outside of the EU lies with the customs. Under no circumstances should passengers keep receipts with them at all times to prove the item's origin. Only when there are circumstances that would give cause to doubt that an item originates from outside the EU, the customs may require additional proof from the passenger in question. In the report, however, no such circumstances were mentioned or provided. Here too, the inspection team would revert to the Dutch Customs and bring this point to the attention of their employees as well.

As a final remark, the inspection team mentions that my complaint taught the Dutch Customs the internal complaint process could be improved. They furthermore acknowledge that, concerning passengers' inspection, my complaint shows how such inspections can go wrong. The Dutch customs aim to perform in a just way and review how it can improve such inspections in order to prevent an unjust selection of passengers and prevent all (appearance of) discrimination. With reference to my suggestions on August 6, 2020, the customs would review whether it would be feasible to monitor such inspections and/or setting up a council to supervise the prohibition and prevention of discrimination. And plans for future meetings to discuss such progress have been agreed on (December 2020).

 Although it has been one year since my first article, this journey of mine to deal/work with the Dutch Customs continues. As an educator and researcher from a university, the rest of the job on this case is to continue helping the Dutch Customs improve. I look forward to assisting the Dutch Customs with their institutional innovation as a stakeholder, looking forward to seeing their improvement of the competitive position of the Netherlands. 

By now, with the continuous determination of the Dutch Customs to learn from mistakes and their intention to involve stakeholders for necessary changes, for the sake of all Dutch citizens' wellbeing, I believe the Dutch Customs will be able to change faster, grow better, stay healthier, and aim for becoming a more sustainable and ethical organization. Let us all keep our fingers crossed that the next time someone arrives at Schiphol, she/he will not have the same experience as I had.

For the early two parts of the story, please refer to article 1 and article 2

Links of the previous articles: 






歧视与公平- 在史基浦机场与荷兰海关的经验(第3部分)


就这个话题,这里我继续讲述在史基浦机场与荷兰海关打交道的故事,以讨论歧视和公平问题。早期故事内容请看 第1部分 和 第2部分。第三部分仍在进行中,如下所示。



-  海关人员的行为是不专业的(在桌子上拍打,大拇指朝下的信号以及使用不良语言)。检查组对其海关没有较早组织会议讨论和解决此事深表抱歉。至此,我感谢荷兰海关调查小组勇于承认其组织的错误和不当行为的勇气和决心。

-  检查结论信中还提到,根据规定,海关有权检查从北京起飞航班的10%的乘客,但这只适用于有在扫描行李时发现有可疑东西出现时,才应打开行李。就我的案例而言,海关官员在没有(有效)理由的情况下开箱检查确实偏离了任务。因此,我的这一部分投诉是有充分根据的。关于这一部分,荷兰海关承认他们在实施该法规时的错误和雇员的错误。他们旨在对此部分进行更改和改进。

- 与我围巾有关的投诉部分(由于没有购买收据而被带走)也被认为是有根据的。检查信中指出,海关是有举证原产于欧盟以外地区产品的责任。但在任何情况下,乘客没有责任随身随时携带收据以证明物品的来源。只有在某些情况下,如果海关发现有令人怀疑的物品来自欧盟以外地区时,海关才可能要求有关旅客提供其他证据。但是,报告中没有提及或提供任何此类情况。在这里,检查组也给荷兰海关提出建议,强调让其雇员在此引起注意。

最后,检查组提到,我的案例教会了荷兰海关一个道理,海关内部现有的投诉流程的改善势在必行。他们还承认,关于乘客检查,我的案例表明,这种检查可能会出错。荷兰海关会按照其目标(公正行事)审查该如何改善这种检查,以防止对乘客的不公正选择和一切歧视行为。荷兰海关根据我在2020年8月6日提出的建议,将考虑监视此类检查和/或成立理事会以监督禁止和防止歧视。并商定在四个月后 (2020年12月)与我开展另一次会议专门讨论该计划的进展。





(1) https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/experience-dutch-customs-schiphol-airport-fairness-ying-zhang/



Helen Chen

General Manager at GREEN VILLAS LTD

3 年

张教授你好,你针对Schiphol 机场程序错误和带有racial profiling 的文章和与机场的对话,觉得你做得非常正确和有代表意义。我也是经历几次检查,按照程序不规范的方式进行的检查。还有我发觉每次来自中国的航班都会在出关口安排4位高头大马荷枪实弹的海关人员虎视眈眈地盯着每位走出海关的旅客,虽然我并没有任何违法的行为,但是受到这样的待遇感觉非常不好。还有就是我从其他国家飞阿姆斯特丹机场的时候没有见到同样的阵列和待遇!所以我得出结论,荷兰海关执行了racial profiling 的检查程序!这是非常不能接受的行为。因此,我想联系你,如果方便的话。看看是否可以把海关针对不同国家所执行的不同手续和待遇的问题反映一下?我过去20多年住在其他国家,但是会经常回荷度假,也经常从其他国家回荷兰,所以对这种特殊待遇感觉深刻!期待你的回复。祝好,Helen Chen?



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