Many times, we face a situation where decision making becomes difficult and our fear preoccupies and makes the situation worst. This is the time you have to be more optimistic and more positive. Every situation is choice and the severity of the issue depends on how you carry it in your mind nothing more than that. Unfortunately, nobody can infuse positive attitude or solve your issue instantly. You can come across many videos on YouTube and many motivational speakers talk about this, but you alone have to face it and end it with your decision-making skills. The route cause for our problem is we believe more in others than in yourself. We have developed inferiority complex and start believing another person is smarter than us. This complexity slowly becomes your habit, and we forget our inner strength and ignore our unleashed potential. This universe has given same kind of abilities to everyone. It is impartial. We created these boundaries within ourselves and living in that hell. Nobody is superior to you and every impossible is possible when you start believing that within your mind.