Positive aspects of Network Marketing
What is network marketing? Why people are opting it as a full-time profession these days? What are its positive aspects? Is there any other benefit in it, except the financial freedom? Answers to all these questions are there in this article
Network Marketing or Multi-Level Marketing(MLM) is a field of marketing in which a product is sold by the use of a network. In this system, every associate is an independent business owner(IBO). The associate or IBO gets the commission from the sales made by him plus from the sales made by the group of associates he has recruited under himself. In most of the MLM companies, the associates also get commission for recruiting other associates under them. Hence, it is also known as Referral Marketing. MLM is classified as a form of direct selling.
Why companies are using this?
Companies are using this concept of marketing because it enables them to access the whole network of contacts of their business associates. Another reason is that, this type of marketing cuts down the costs required for the promotion of the product using advertisements. In this system, the associates are themselves the walking advertisements.
Why one should opt this?
"If I would be given a chance to start all over again, I would choose Network Marketing." – words of Bill Gates, the richest man of the world.
Million $ Business:
- You don't need any huge capital to start a network marketing business. One can start from a small amount of money and can reach up to unlimited money. The leading edge of these businesses from others is their exponential growth i.e. the money and the network of associates increase exponentially here. MLM is acclaimed to provide total financial freedom to ones who are successful in it.
Efficiency is multiplied in Team work:
- In MLM businesses, you are not sent alone in the battle field to fight; the whole army goes along with you. Team work is one of the key features of network marketing businesses. The whole team works together to help each other, indirectly themselves, to make larger sales. In a team, deficiency of a certain quality (like confidence, effective speech delivery, contacts, free time, etc.) is covered up by the availability of that quality with other members of the team. Hence, the efficiency of every member is multiplied in a team. Also, the work load on a single associate gets gradually decreased.
Exponential growth:
- Taking an example of a MLM binary tree structure, it starts from the distributor. It then reaches to 2 members, then to the next 4, then to the next 8 and so on. It shows that this type of arrangement grows according to the power of 2(mathematically). Hence, its speed of growth accelerates exponentially.
You are your own Boss:
- In MLM, every associate is an IBO i.e. an Independent Business Owner. Hence, there is no boss in this system. Every associate can work in their own way. No one is there to force or compel one to do work against one's wish.
The points stated above have only the top layer of the pie; the nuts are still deep inside. If we look inside this field, there's a lot to ponder. This field has potential to not only give unlimited money but also help to achieve other aspects that define a successful life. Those aspects are-
The MLM businesses run on the sole basis of the leaders being created in it. The system is naturally designed to bring out leaders from within the associates. As a network grows under an associate, he guides and supports it to make the associates build their own network under themselves. Hence, these businesses facilitate the inculcation of leadership qualities among the associates
- In MLM, one is required to give presentations regarding their product. Hence, this helps a person to enhance their communication skills, build up confidence, body language, overcome stage fear, etc. Hence it provides a practical way to a person to develop his/her personality.
- In this field, one can get ample amount of knowledge in the socio-economic fields. 'Socio' is also included because one has to go through various real life situations in the social world. One meets different kinds of people having different mentalities and hence gains experience and knowledge. One becomes aware about the corporate world as well.
- Wealth; one confuses this word with richness. Wealth does not just comprise of money but it is the combination of money and time. One can be rich if one has money, but one can be wealthy only when one has the time to spend that money as well. One can make money from one or the other way, but a successful network marketer/ businessman specifically always has an ample amount of time to spend it.
- One automatically attains fame on reaching the heights in any field. As the field of network marketing is very wide and earnings are huge, hence fame is also in proportion to that. Since the struggle is comparatively less due to bigger outputs on the inputs, fame can be attained a bit easily.
The field of network marketing produces innumerable entrepreneurs every year. Entrepreneurs are the ones who start a business which involves a risk. Hence, it is justified that network marketing has a risk of failure but still the positive aspects of it dominates over the negative ones.
"The knowledge and experience that a person can extract from this field, is a lot more precious than the money earned, money is a secondary thing."- words of a successful network marketer.