Positioning Yourself for a Great 2022
Dr. Tadious Msipa
Positioning Yourself for a Great 2022 - By Dr.Ted Msipa
??Go big or Go Home
It’s a New Dawn ?
It’s the dawn of a new year and it comes loaded with pregnancy and hope. Please remember hope deferred makes the heart sick. It is an exciting time where we have to move from the familiar to the unfamiliar. We are shifting from the proven territory into a maze of wilderness which we cannot see with the naked eye but we are beholding by faith. Welcome to the brand-new year, red hot and fresh from the oven. This is and has to be a year with a difference. I now submit my six keys which will help you achieve great things next year.
1.Face life with a strategy
I continue to support the leader in you and dare them to be different, so as to make the difference. What used to work a couple of years ago will be relegated to the dustbin of history. We are in a new season where we have to cooperate with the season lest the season will murder us. It is imperative that we strategize to excel but within our given pandemic constraints. Whatever strategy you are going to implement has to factor in the pandemic protocols and execute around them. You are where Shakespeare once said, “I am tied to a stake but bear like I must fight my course.”
2.You Need the Presence of Mind
The most important thing you ought to have in this year is to be having the power of presence. You need to be where you are at all times. This demands military discipline on your part, you cannot be at work and be thinking about home. You ought to have the presence of mind in all the things you are doing in this new year. The difference between those who will succeed and those who will fail is based on their presence of mind. Do not allow your mind to wander to the next assignment while working on the current assignment. Give everything you are doing your undivided attention. Like I said, be where you are. This presence of mind will help you with excellence of execution.
3.Decisiveness is Your Master Key
The next thing which will help you go big this year is decisiveness. Do not worst your energy by being a fence sitter. You will not accomplish anything significant if you take that approach. Learn to take those big bold hairy audacious decisions without any sense of hesitation. This will need you to sharpen your inner man through the word of God and the power of prayer. Work on that gut feeling and you will get it right. Decisions have to be made at the speed of light because the market place is becoming ruthless with each passing day. Learn to make big decisions under pressure, your key evaluation tool is the consequences of your decision. Remember consequences will always be bigger than the decision. When ever possible keep trends of what is happening in your domain so that you make a decision at the snap of a finger.
4.Surround Yourself with People Who Add Value
Learn to surround yourself with people who will add value to you and make you look better than you really are. Avoid those whose main hobby is whining and murmuring about how things used to be better in the yester-years. People should know that each day has sufficient grace for your victory. They also ought to know that times and seasons are appointed by the lord to occur at his bidding, so they better be ready to add value to your cause in season and out of season. Who you surround yourself with is who you will definitely become? So, avoid inviting into your inner circle or chambers those whose value system does not align to your big picture.
5.Think Big This Year
You ought to think big this season. This is a year for the big boys and big girls. In my world you are a big boy or girl in terms of the manner in which you think. Big thoughts birth big visions and create big impact. This is a year where you should avoid small plans and inconsistent thinking. There is no place for small time thinking here. In this season, I submit it to you that, go big or go Home. The truth of the matter is that you need the same thinking intensity to raise one hundred million as you need to raise one hundred thousand maloti. So instead of working on small plans you may as well work on the big ones. Let this be your attitude this year. Do it big, or go home. It is as simple as that.
6.Have Faith in Jesus Christ
When all things are said and done, allow me to remind you that as a man you are a spirit, with a soul and you live in a body. If my assertion is accurate therefore that you are a spirit, you need to be connected to the spirit realm. You can never achieve true success in this life without connecting to the Ultimate giver of life, Jesus Christ, the Alpha and the Omega. ?We need to stick to faith. Faith in what and faith in Who? We have to have faith in Christ Jesus because He is the way the truth and the life. Christ is in all things and in everything. The scripture is very clear in saying that He who descended is He who ascended so that His presence will fill the entire universe. Life without Christ is meaningless. Christ is actually the centre of life and the entire universe. After all, in Him we live, we breathe and we have our very being. Christ is the anchor of us who belong to the household of faith. As we put together our plans for the new year, faith in Christ and Jehovah God will be the ultimate driver of our success story. Is it not written that unless the Lord builds a house, he who builds does so in vain? Ladies and gentlemen, the most vital factor in all the actions and plans we will pursue this year is what I call the God-factor, without which we will not accomplish much.
May the Lord make a way for you this year. Next level is a reality.
Dr.Ted Msipa: Feedback: [email protected]