Positioning for Q4

Positioning for Q4

Q4 is upon us! With the dawning of a new quarter, it is beneficial to take a few steps back to properly position your business for what’s to come. The past 3 quarters have come with peculiar experiences: inflation, increases in exchange rates, and more recently, fuel scarcity. With the ripple effects of these in view, how can you best position your business to make the most of the last lap of 2024?

We’ve got you:

Collaborate: Collaboration does many things for your business, getting you in front of a new audience is just one of them. In Q4, collaborating with the right businesses can boost your revenue in ways you can only imagine. A good start would be to offer cross-sells and upsells with other hospitality businesses—a spa, food delivery services, etc.

Get insured: Running a shortlet business poses a risk, exposing you to unexpected damages on some days. Subscribing to a fitting insurance plan can cushion the effect some of these damages can have on your revenue. Safeguard your business investment when you get on the right investment plan.

Remain agile: things can change overnight. If your ears aren’t to the ground, it is easy to miss good opportunities. Keep an eye on the market, the latest trends, and more importantly, the demands of the market. This helps you tweak your strategies on the go, to ensure changes don’t gravely affect your bottom line.

Swoop corporate clients: as the year winds to a close, company retreat is something employees begin to look forward to. This is a great time to establish communication with prospective corporate clients. Find key people within corporate organizations to pitch to. Start building those relationships.

Curate special packages: Q4 is the most festive time of the year. Many look forward to days and moments to relax, unwind, and reward themselves for the year’s wins and rigours. Capitalise on the air of festivity and respond to the hospitality demands of the season. You can go a step further to curate all-inclusive packages to make for a wholesome stay at your apartment.?

Strike when the iron is still hot, and even as you position yourself for Q4, leave room to adjust and optimise your process and operations to suit existing realities.



